OSHUN Open the path of attraction, mother of - TopicsExpress


OSHUN Open the path of attraction, mother of salutations. Cleansing spirit clean the inside and out. We are entitled to wear the crown that awakens all pleasure. We are entitled to wear the crown that awakens all pleasure. The spirit of the earth that wanders freely. Invocation to Oshun Oshun ( pronounced O-SHOON), meaning Sweet Water is the Nigerian goddess of rivers, a deity of fertility, love, beauty and sensual pleasures, the patroness of artists, witches and diviners. Hers are all the feminine powers and her symbols are the sacred drum which represents her womb, the crescent moon, the colour yellow, mirrors and cowrie shells. She is usually depicted as a tall coffee coloured woman, with seven bracelets, a mirror at her belt, carrying a pot of river water, and accompanied by a peacock. The town of Oshogbo is particularly identified with Oshun. An annual festival celebrates the foundation of the town, and the goddess who allowed people to settle on the banks of her sacred river, caring for successive generations of its inhabitants. According to the legend, a young princess and her followers wandered the land, looking for a place to settle. After much travelling, they arrived at the river Oshun. The princess had been barren, but thanks to the blessing of the river goddess, she became pregnant. When she felt her labour begin she made her way to the river, knowing the goddess would help her. The baby arrived safely and was destined to become the first King of Oshogbo. The princess thanked the goddess and asked permission to found a new settlement. Oshun agreed, but asked that the new town should be further up the hill, so that her river could lie in peace. Oshun often asked Obatala, the father of wisdom, to teach her the art of divining, but he always replied that she was too young, or too pretty to learn. One day, he was bathing as usual in a certain pool when Eleggua, the mischievous Orisha of the Crossroads passed by. He picked up the gods clothes and make off with them so that the poor naked Obatala dare not leave the water. Before long, Oshun happened by and asked the god why he was standing in the pool. He explained that his clothes had been stolen. Oshun looked around and noticed footprints leading into the forest, and guessed who they belonged to and what had happened. Seeing her chance, she offered to retrieve Obatalas clothes if he would teach her the art of divining. Having no choice, he agreed. Oshun make herself look as enticing as possible, and made her way to Elegguas house. When he saw Oshun standing in his doorway, he was overcome with desire. A bargain was made and Oshun retrieved the clothes; because of this, she is sometimes called the Sacred Whore. For sixteen days and nights, Obatala taught Oshun the magic of divination. And when Oshun had learned everything, she taught everyone in the village the art of divining for free. She is the leader of the witches, known as Iyami Oshoroga. The wise ones of the Yoruba recognised that the cosmos is a perfect construct, and contains within it all possibilities. The types of energy within it number four hundred and one, with two hundred positive energies, two hundred negative energies, and one neutral energy that can express itself as either positive or negative. These are called Orisa and each one is a pure energy that may be expressed in human life in myriad ways. Oshun is the Orisa of pure joy, expressed in creativity, sensuality, beauty, childbirth and wealth. She is wise and compassionate, but like the river that she represents, she has many moods. She is easily offended by negative thinking, anger, sarcasm and melancholy; if her gifts are rejected or overlooked, then she will withdraw them. Oshun rules the element of water, which symbolically relates to the emotions. Oshun is the free flowing spirit of pure joy. She nourishes the spirit with divine love, and bathes the soul in bliss. Her gifts are not concerned with the selfish gratification of desire, but with the transcendent rapture found in recognising the beauty of creation and the love to be found within it. Oshuns gifts are available to all that would receive them with an open heart. Oshun is the patroness of creative inspiration and works of beauty. NB: This short article is not from my more comprehensive Goddess Encyclopaedia Home
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:00:42 +0000

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