OSUN STATE: AREGBESOLA TAKES HIS ADVANCE FEE FRAUD , OTHERWISE KNOWN AS 419 TO THE RETIREES-Sells forms to these aged and impoverished people at a whooping cost of N2,500. It could be a serious error for anybody to think Governor Aregbesola’s fraudulent tendencies has a limit. As a fact, those of us who rushed to cry foul when he forced the students of Answar Ud Deen Grammar School,Testing Ground area of Osogbo to pay N2,000 each recently as cost damages have now realized we were impatient . We didn’t wait enough to see the governor at his best in the game of systematic exploitation of his subjects. Imagine Aregbesola forcing the already impoverished pensioners of the state who has been managing to make ends meet since their retirement, to pay a whooping sum of N2,000:00 as cost of forms meant for the processing of their payment. Aregbesola, Haba! What type of form is that? Surely the one you are going to print at little or no cost at Abere. Recall what I told you earlier today on your facebook wall where you rolled out many lies – I said “Takulahah”, Fear God !, Raufu fear God! ! Asking these people whom you have not paid a kobo since they exited from the government service, some of them for several years , is not only callous but criminal on your part. Although, it is understandable that you and your government are in dial need of money especially now that your creditors are seriously on your neck for repayment of the several billions of naira loans you have taken, however the poor and innocent people especially the retirees shouldn’t be sacrificed or exploited to help you pay back. Anyway, it just occurred to me that it could be another in your series of O’lies and O’deceits. A child born today knows that you have drained the state purse beyond having any money to even pay any retiree. It is just a combination of tricks and delay tactics also a kind of punitive measure on the retirees for their guts which made them to cry out in protest to the public over the non payment of their entitlement. PART II : Suspended PDP State Secretary,Major Raphael A. Tewobola(rtd) has his suspension as the Party secretary ratified by the Partys National Headquarters though,in principle yesterday.Tewobola,in defiance to his suspension order, yesterday evening in company of Adagunodo and at the instance of one of the aspirants went to the Ibadan Airport and attempted to pick the Abuja team that was coming to conduct todays ward delegate primaries to one Hotel at Osogbo where the aspirant has made bookings and reservervations for them. Yawa,however,gas for Tewobola and his ally when he introduced himself as the Party Secretary. The head of the team immediately withdrawn his earlier romance with him and sought the party chairman. The man form the North said i am under a strict order of the National Headquarters not to relate with you but the Party Chairman A flabbergasted Tewobola stood there for several minutes drenched in his own sweats even as he watched another vehicle the party had arranged has arranged took the visitors away to an unknown location. Meanwhile, embattled Tewobola had earlier in the morning of yesterday sought the State High Courts intervention into his predicament. He wanted the court to quash his suspension and return him into office immediately but the court will not listen to him until the 11th day of April,2014 Ayeniromo !!!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 05:47:44 +0000

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