OUR DAILY DOSE: THE FOUR RELATIONSHIPS YOU MUST PRAYERFULLY SEEK & JEALOUSLY KEEP -------------------------------------------------------------- All relationships are not of equal importance. Understanding the purpose of a relationship will decide the value that you will place on it and the time that you devote to it. All relationships dont carry the same level of importance. You must learn to give quality time to the relationship that increases your values, minimizes your weakness, multiplies your strength and above all draws you closer to your Creator-----ALLAAH! One of those maxims I strongly believe in is that; You cannot maximize what you have not recognized. No one can get to his/her dreamed land until s/he is in certain relationships with relevant people! The ability to recognize which relationship to pursue is the reason most of us have spent their precious time in the past pursuing some worthless and purposeless relationship! This brings me to the fulfillment of promise I made concerning my post last Wednesday 29th Jan.! I said, of all relationships I know there are only four relationships that must be, in my humble view, prayerfully sought and jealously maintained! If you desire meaningful and purposeful life, you must be in one or two if not all the four relationships! The following paragraphs speak my mind on those four (4) relationships; 1- RELATIONSHIP WITH INTERPRETERS: This is the relationship with people who are endowed with the capacity to break down your complex dreams and ideas, hence providing you with wisdom. 2- RELATIONSHIP WITH INTRODUCERS: These are people with selfless sense of commitment toward helping you connect with the relevant people and platforms in destiny. 3- RELATIONSHIP WITH ENCOURAGERS: These are people with a seasonal or lifetime commitment to stand by you for the purpose of encouraging and inspiring you through the different phases of your life. 4- RELATIONSHIP WITH PROVIDERS: This is the relationship with people who sign into your life with a special assignment! They came into your life in order to help you provide the needed financial support or partnership to carry out your dreams, projects or ideals! However, Hon. Friends before you pray to have any of the above relationships in your life, you also need to figure out what you have been to other people around. Are you an INTERPRETER, INTRODUCER, ENCOURAGER, or PROVIDER? What you make happen for others, ALLAAH will make much more happen for you. I humbly pray ALLAAH to connect you to Interpreters Of Destiny, Introducers To Destiny, Encouragers In Destiny, and Provider In Destiny and usher you to your next dimension in in Destiny. DEAR, YOU ARE TOO LOADED TO BE LIMITTED IN DESTINY! s-Salaam Alaykum & Wonderful Weekend To You All, Hon. Friends! I LOVE YOU! O ALLAAH! Please, Count This For & Not Against Me! *̲̅H̲̅A̲̅T̲̅M̲̅*̲̅ O̲̅M̲̅O̲̅I̲̅D̲̅U̲̅N̲̅N̲̅U̲̅
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 07:30:26 +0000

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