OUR INDIVIDUAL & COLLECTIVE SYSTEMS OF *FALSE LIMITING BELIEFS* ARE THE SOURCES OF ALL OF OUR PROBLEMS, ALL OF OUR CHALLENGES AND EVERY EMOTIONAL DILEMMA CURRENTLY ENCOUNTERED BY THE SPECIES ON THIS PLANET EARTH. Every illness,all experiences of poverty, jails, prisons, and lack of real education and lack of learning truth in meaning and purpose, indeed every war and all forms of corruptions on the face of our earth have their origins *WITHIN OUR OWN CONSCIOUS MINDS*. Somehow we want to SIMPLY BLAME EXTERNAL REALITY. We are ourselves the Creators of each and everything we experience, both GOOD or BAD. We have not yet learned to appreciate nor understood the PROFOUND SIGNIFICANCE OF OUR SYSTEMS OF BELIEFS. OUR SPEIES HAS NOT LEARNED CONSCIOUS RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR OWN CREATIVE EMPLOYMENT AND USE OF OUR OWN MINDS AND OUR CONSCIOUSNESS. ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT. We cannot resolve, we cannot overcome nor can we transcend a problem we refuse to examine and then understand its NATURE. This is impossible to do by ignoring the phenomena of our own IGNORANCE. Many people unwittingly tell YOU and ME daily not to focus upon THE PROBLEMS , but focus upon the SOLUTION/SOLUTIONS. These intelligent individuals simply do understand WHAT THEY ARE ASSERTING. [ * THE PROBLEM CONTAINS THE SOLUTION *], for in a manner of speaking it is IMPOSSIBLE to solve any problem YOU FAIL TO UNDERSTAND. The experts are themselves a part of the problem, simply because they themselves dont understand what they are advocating. It is like the idea of TIME and the idea of SPACE. All time and all apace are inseparable. Those who say the ONLY TIME IS NOW simple dont know nor understand what they preach. It is true that ALL TIME IS SIMULTANEOUS in the same way that no problem can be separated from its solution. I marvel at how such great lack of understanding is being given out masquerading AS SPIRITUAL WISDOM. The BLIND cannot lead those who cannot see, those who have no understanding cannot teach meaning others without real education. No FOOL can recognize another FOOL, but all WHO UNDERSTAND AND KNOW recognize one another.ALL LAWS ARE DESIGNED FOR THE ELITES, the law overrides the NATURAL INNER LAWS. Civilization and insidious ORGANIZATION OF INSTITUTIONS ARE NOT EQUIVALENT VALUE CONSTRUCTION EVER HERE ON OUR EARTH.. The ALIENATION OF PSYCHOPATHIC PEOPLE MUST BE FIRST ACKNOWLEDGED. They HAVE MADE HUMANITY STUPID UNTHINKING AND MINDLESS. Our greatest dilemma is that the masses of the humane community has ASSIMILATED AND SUBSCRIBED TO SAME VALUES. $$$$$$ IS NOT THE TRUE ISSUE. People have no appreciation nor understanding of the meaning of existence, Money is not like air water or sunshine, which are ESSENTIAL TO SUSTAIN ALL LIVING CREATURES ON THE PLANET. WE MUST ACKNOWLEDGE WE ARE STUPID. MAN MAKE $$$$ OUT OF NOTHING AND THE ONLY VALUE IT HAS IS WHAT WE GIVE TO IT. We spend our precious time focused upon the SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE. [ * OUR FALSE BELIEFS ARE THE DISEASE *].
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 16:26:49 +0000

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