OUR LEADERS ARE TREATING US LIKE CONQUERED SLAVES-VODEC Ghana is a poor country is no longer newsworthy? The question is: why is our largely inflicted poverty not reflecting in our sickening opulent leaders. Due to over congestion in the Adusah and Mayera M/A Junior High School One (JHS1), some pupil are learning under trees, The Adusah Primary 5 and 6 Block is full of leakages from the roof and no one cares, Brilliant but needy pupil are in various schools across the country but it is based on corruption and bribery, example Eric Armah who is an Orphan at Adusah JHS1, The Asofan-Ofankor Nursery School don’t have a School Block and therefore pupil are learning under trees all in the Ga West Municipality in the Greater Accra Region with children as old as eight (8) months exposed to these danger, persons with disability are begging for coins along major highways and we don’t have conscience to prevent these as we continue to practice these Lucifer patterns of Politics in Ghana. Let me give some examples. By anyones standards, The Netherlands, a tiny country in northern Europe is a very rich country. Her GDP of $324.6 billion easily dwarfs that of Ghana. The Netherlands is the eighth largest exporting country in the world and has the largest sea port in the world, the fourth largest airport in Western Europe; it is the second major shipbuilding nation in Western Europe and well developed infrastructures. It roads, rail, sea and air transportation system can be compared with most advanced countries anywhere in the world. Dutch children have easy access to free and high quality education up to secondary level. In Netherlands, quality health is free for children and easily available to every Dutch citizen. The Netherlands with only about eighteen million people is ranked number nine among 173 countries. The Prime Minister of Netherlands lives in his own house, as do his ministers and all the Dutch members of Parliament. The Dutch Prime Ministers rides in his own car as do all his ministers. The Dutch PM does not travel in a cavalcade of expensive cars or with a phalanx of bodyguards. Some Members of Parliaments in Ghana dont have conscience for the ordinary people expecting bodyguards for them as security. Our Educational system is an apology. Our health system begs our pardon and a huge joke. Our Hospitals are virtual mortuaries. The majority of our citizens have no access to potable water. We cannot generate enough electricity to run the little disarticulates industries and children are badly nourished. The youth are unemployed and wasting their lives away on Cigarettes and Akpeteshie. Voice of Developing Communities (VODEC) is asking whether our sad state of under-development reflected in the size on our leaders. Definitely not. The Netherlands with its US$325 billion economy has 13 ministers and 12 deputies and 150 MPs .The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, Management and Fisheries is run by a single Minister and able to generate about US$35 Billion in annual expects. In Ghana, we have 275 MPS, more than 90ministers counting on the regional and deputy ministers. The abysmal state of our economy didnt stop our MPs from taking from the state a house, a car loan. Our ministers live at state expenses; we are evening footing their telephone bills! Yet with our over 90 ministers we cannot produce enough food to feed ourselves. We have over four ministers in agric and we are importing maize from USA and rice from Thailand. Clean water is still beyond the reach of our people. And although we have a minister for Science and Technology, and we are still importing mosquito nets from Indonesia and dog chains from Taiwan. Why are our leaders not prepared to make the same sacrifices they always call upon us to make? Why do they keep calling themselves servant of the people and yet tool around town in a 4 wheel jeeps while we continue to suffocate in our trotros. It is my contention that we will not register any improvement in our sad affairs unless and until we can compel our leaders to live on the same poverty level they set for the rest of us. Here we have the following in mind: 1. No Official of government of Ghana at any level shall go for medical treatment overseas no matter the emergency. If applied, this will surely compel those in authority to make sure that our hospitals are not places we only go to die. 2. No Official of government of Ghana at any level shall send his children to school overseas. This we believe is one way to stem the deterioration of our educational facilities. 3. No Official of government of Ghana at any level shall keep a foreign account. If our leaders are legally compelled to save their monies in local banks, they will surely do a better job to reduce inflation and ensure that our currency stops being a monopoly currency. 4. No Official of government of Ghana at any level shall be kept at state expenses until such time that our economy can support it. These means that apart from the President, the Speaker of Parliament and the Chief Justice, no official shall be entitled to a house or a car loan or allowance from the state. It is time we create the culture whereby only public spirited individuals vie for offices.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 09:52:22 +0000

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