OUR LORD GODS KINGDOM WILL BE HERE ON EARTH, BUT FIRST THE OLD HEAVEN AND EARTH WILL PASS AWAY BEING PUT THROUGH THE FIRE, AND THE EARTH WILL BECOME NEW LIKE IN THE FLOOD OF NOAH, BUT BETTER! HERE IS SCRIPTURE! Isaiah chapter 51 VS 6 Lift up your EYES to the HEAVENS, and look upon the EARTH BENEATH: for the HEAVENS shall VANISH AWAY like SMOKE, and the EARTH shall WAX OLD like a garment, and they that DWELL therein shall DIE in LIKE MANNER: but my SALVATION shall be FOREVER, and MY RIGHTEOUSNESS shall not be ABOLISHED. (Note, Lifting our EYES to the HEAVENS is the Elect Church being CAUGHT UP with our Lord God into His Holy Spiritual Body of Light, His Love of protection from what will come next! To show this is the case the next thing that is mentioned is, and LOOK upon the EARTH BENEATH, which shows we are now inside the Holy Spirit of GOD looking DOWN at the EARTH. He then states for the HEAVENS shall VANISH AWAY like SMOKE, and the EARTH WAX OLD like a GARMENT. Those who love this world, and love living in sin, not keeping Gods commandments will PERISH with the old heaven, and earth along with everything in it that is not of God. The Elect is Saved for we are with our Blessed Lord looking down at all of these horrific things, that must come to pass, for it has been written, the evil sin of this world must be destroyed once and for all, and so shall it be done! God does not take pleasure in destroying the wicked. Read Ezekiel chapter 33.) 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 VS 15-18 For this WE say unto YOU by the WORD of the LORD, that WE which ARE LIVE and REMAIN unto the COMING of the LORD shall NOT PREVENT THEM which ARE SLEEP. (Note, There are many that do not believe in us being ALIVE and CAUGHT UP to the LORD, but if they DO NOT BELIEVE this, then they are NOT BELIEVEING in this part of the LORDS WORD!) For the LORD HIMSELF shall DESCEND ( come down) from HEAVEN with a SHOUT, with the VOICE of the ARCHANGEL, and with the TRUMP of GOD: and the DEAD IN CHRIST shall RISE FIRST: Then WE which ARE ALIVE and REMAIN shall be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER with THEM in the CLOUDS, to MEET the LORD IN THE AIR: and so shall WE EVER BE WITH THE LORD. Wherefore COMFORT ONE ANOTHER with THESE WORDS. Isaiah chapter 45 VS 17-18 But Israel shall be SAVED in the LORD with an EVERLASTING SALVATION: you shall not be ASHAMED nor CONFOUNDED WORLD WITHOUT END. (Note, Notice our Lord God said, Israel shall be SAVED, along with WORLD WITHOUT END!) VS 18 For thus saith the LORD that CREATED the HEAVENS; GOD Himself that FORMED the EARTH and MADE IT; He has ESTABLISHED it, He CREATED it NOT IN VAIN, He FORMED it to be INHABITED (to live in): I am the LORD; and there is NONE ELSE. Isaiah chapter 2 VS 1-5 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw CONCERNING Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall come to pass in the LAST DAYS, that the MOUNTAIN of the LORDS HOUSE shall be ESTABLISHED in the top of the mountains, and shall be EXALTED ABOVE the HILLS; and ALL NATIONS shall FLOW into it. (Note, This above verse, is the thousand year reign of the Lord spoken of in this next book, chapter, and verses.) Revelation chapter 20 VS 4-6 And I saw THRONES, and they sat upon them, and JUDGMENT was given unto THEM: and I saw the SOULS of THEM that were BEHEADED for the WITNESS of JESUS, and for the WORD of GOD, and which had NOT WORSHIPPED the BEAST, neither his IMAGE, neither had RECIEVED his MARK upon THEIR FOREHEADS, or in THEIR HANDS; and THEY LIVED and REIGNED with CHRIST a THOUSAND YEARS. But the rest of the DEAD LIVED NOT AGAIN until the THOUSAND YEARS WERE FINISHED. This is the FIRST RESURRECTION. Blessed, and Holy is he that has PART in the FIRST RESURRECTION: on such the SECOND DEATH HAS NO POWER, but THEY shall be PRIESTS of GOD, and of CHRIST, and shall REIGN with HIM a THOUSAND YEARS. (Note, Now back to Isaiah chapter 2 VS 3.) VS 3 And many PEOPLE shall go, and say, Come you, and let us go UP to the MOUNTAIN of the LORD, to the HOUSE of the GOD of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for out of ZION shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from JERUSALEM. VS 4, And He shall JUDGE among the NATIONS, and shall REBUKE MANY PEOPLE: and they shall beat their SWORDS into PLOWSHARES, and their SPEARS into PRUNINGHOOKS: nation shall NOT LIFT UP SWORD against nation, neither shall they LEARN WAR ANYMORE. (Note, In other words, during the THOUSAND year reign, the swords, and spears that were used for instruments of war for something evil, will be turned into something good, to teal the ground, and bring forth food that gives life unto the people, not death unto the people. All that was taught to be used for evil will be no more. People will look at going up to the HOUSE of the LORD ,which at this point of time will be established in Jerusalem for Judgment for the thousand years. One way we know that this is Judgment is Gods word mentions, MANY PEOPLE will be REBUKED by the Lord, they will be reproved, instructed on what they can or can not due. They will learn what it would have been like to walk in Gods righteousness, and truth, and know that this world would have been a much better place if they would of followed our Lord God instead of the evil ways of Satan! Another way is, Gods word also mentions, he shall JUDGE the NATIONS! Many people have come, and gone in this near 6000 years, judgment will take some time! There is still one more judgment after this!) VS 5 O house of Jacob, come you, and let us WALK in the LIGHT of the LORD. (Note, Remember Jacob was renamed Israel, we who follow Jesus Christ, and keep His commandments are the heavenly Spiritual nation of Israel. We are the Lords NATION those who have gone on to be with the Lord ,and those of us who are standing up at these end of days, and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ along with His soon coming! Note, As I mentioned there is one more judgment after this, for those who are dead in the sea, and in Death, and in Hell!) KJV, Revelation chapter 20 VS 13-15 And the SEA gave up the DEAD which were IN IT; and DEATH and HELL delivered up the DEAD which were IN THEM: and THEY WERE JUDGED EVERY MAN ACCORDING to THEIR WORKS. And DEATH and HELL were CAST INTO the LAKE of FIRE. This is the SECOND DEATH. And WHOSOEVER WAS NOT FOUND WRITTEN IN the BOOK of LIFE was CAST INTO the LAKE of FIRE. Revelation chapter 21 VS 1-4,10-11,18, 22-24 And I saw a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH: for the FIRST HEAVEN and the FIRST EARTH were passed away; and there was NO MORE SEA. (Note, Notice here John mentions and there was NO MORE SEA, indicating to us everything became new, but without the sea.) And I John saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming DOWN from GOD out of HEAVEN, prepared as a BRIDE adorned for her HUSBAND. And I heard a GREAT VOICE out of HEAVEN saying, Behold, the tabernacle of GOD is with men, and HE WILL DWELL with THEM, and they shall be His PEOPLE, and GOD HIMSELF shall be with THEM, and be THEIR GOD. And GOD shall WIPE AWAY ALL TEARS from their EYES; and there shall be NO MORE DEATH, neither SORROW, nor CRYING, neither shall there be ANY MORE PAIN: for the FORMER things are PASSED AWAY. VS 10 And he carried me AWAY in the spirit to a GREAT and HIGH MOUNTAIN, and showed me that GREAT CITY, the HOLY JERUSALEM, descending OUT of HEAVEN from GOD, Having the GLORY of GOD: and HER LIGHT was like unto a stone MOST PRECIOUS, even like a JASPER STONE, CLEAR as CRYSTAL. VS18 And the building of the WALL of it was of JASPER: and the CITY was PURE GOLD, like unto CLEAR GLASS. ( Note, Beauty beyond our comprehension!) VS22 And I saw NO temple therein: for the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and the Lamb are the TEMPLE of it. And the city had No need of the SUN, neither of the MOON, to SHINE IN IT: for the GLORY of GOD did lighten it, and the Lamb is the LIGHT thereof. And the NATIONS of them which are SAVED shall walk in the LIGHT of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it. (Note, The new HOLY CITY of JERUSALEM is our MOTHER! Praise God!) Galatians chapter 4 VS 26 But Jerusalem which is ABOVE is FREE, which is the MOTHER of US ALL. Isaiah chapter 65 VS 17-18,24,25 For, behold, I CREATE NEW HEAVENS and a NEW EARTH: and the FORMER shall NOT be REMEMBERED, nor come into mind. (Note, In other words we will not remember the evil of this world, nor be tormented by unclean spirits creating evil anymore! Praise our Lord God!) VS18 But be you GLAD and REJOICE FOREVER in that which I CREATE: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a REJOICING, and her people a JOY. VS 24 And it shall come to pass, that BEFORE they CALL, I WILL ANSWER; and while THEY are yet SPEAKING, I WILL HEAR. (Note, Our Father God will know, and provide for our every need before we finish even saying what we are going to say, no worries, no fears, in the comfort, and JOY of the Lord forever. Praise our Lord God!) VS25 The WOLF and the LAMB shall FEED TOGETHER, and the LION shall EAT STRAW like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpents meat. THEY shall NOT HURT nor DESTROY in all My Holy Mountain, saith the LORD. (Note, As we can see there will be no more killing, and evil in the animals, they will no longer be meat eaters, they will be peaceful in our new home. Amen.) (Note, Read all of Isaiah chapter 65, the Lord gives us a good understanding of our new home.) 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 VS 17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a NEW creature: OLD things pass AWAY; behold, ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW. (Note, All of this is in KJV BIBLE. Amen and Amen. May we all be blessed through this message by gaining more knowledge through our Lord God of our soon to be new home, in Jesus Christ Holy Mighty name. Amen. Like with everything pray everything up, and the Holy Spirit will bear witness.) Amen and Amen...
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 02:13:56 +0000

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