OVER THE TOP ... Clinton Corruption Bombshells How the Obama - TopicsExpress


OVER THE TOP ... Clinton Corruption Bombshells How the Obama State Department waived hundreds of ethical conflicts that allowed the Clintons and their businesses to accept money from foreign entities and corporations seeking influence boggles the mind. That former President Clinton trotted the globe collecting huge speaking fees while his wife presided over U.S. foreign policy is an outrage. No wonder it took a court order to get these documents. What foreign policy issues were mishandled as top State Department officials spent so much time facilitating the Clinton money machine? You can see the details for yourself by reading the documents we forced from this “transparent” administration. Mr. Clinton “earned $48 million while his wife presided over U.S. foreign policy, raising questions about whether the Clintons fulfilled ethics agreements related to the Clinton Foundation during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State.” These documents clearly show how the Clintons turned the State Department into a racket to line their own pockets. Of course we all suspected this is how things would go down, with the Clinton machine getting its hooks into the Obama administration, which has corruption and lawlessness issues that would make Boss Tweed blush. The potential for conflicts of interest between Hillary Clinton’s role as Secretary of State and Bill Clinton’s international ventures grew increasingly controversial in late 2008 when the former president released a list of donors to his library and foundation in what he termed “a deal between” Obama “and Hillary.” According to an AP wire story, “Saudi Arabia gave $10 million to $25 million to the foundation. Other government donors include Norway, Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei, Oman …” CNN at the time warned that Clinton’s “complicated global business interests could present future conflicts of interest that result in unneeded headaches for the incoming commander-in-chief.” Under established protocols of the State Department, and supplemented by a December 2008 Memorandum of Understanding between the Clinton Foundation and Obama Presidential Transition Team, a designated ethics official from the State Department’s legal office was assigned to review any “potential or actual conflict of interest” for Mrs. Clinton while she served as secretary of state. Copies of all decisions were sent to a top adviser to Secretary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, who served as counselor and chief of staff at the Department of State. Yes, *that* Cheryl Mills. Bill Clinton’s former deputy White House counsel and a longtime Clinton family confidant, who, the Washington Post wrote in 1999, “endeared herself to the Clintons with her never-back-down, share-nothing, don’t-give-an-inch approach …” After clearing Mrs. Clinton for the DOS job, Mills was named the incoming Secretary’s Chief of Staff. Ms. Mills was a featured speaker at Bill Clinton’s 2012 Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting. In an April 28, 2008, ruling relating to Ms. Mills conduct as a White House official in responding to concerns about lost White House email records, Judge Royce C. Lamberth called Cheryl Mills’ participation in the matter “loathsome.” He further stated Mills was responsible for “the most critical error made in this entire fiasco… Mills’ actions were totally inadequate to address the problem.” Ms. Mills is currently on the Board of Directors of BlackRock, a leading investment firm. BlackRock is run by Larry Fink who reportedly wanted to be Treasury Secretary for Barack Obama and now, according to another report, is “angling for the job” in a Hillary Clinton administration. Judicial Watch is not surprised that the Clintons cast aside any semblance of ethical bearing to fill their coffers, yet the breadth of their scheme and the haul it yielded is truly shocking. And it bears repeating that, given concerns about potential corruption associated with Hillary Clinton becoming Secretary of State, she obtained her position based on promises of a rigorous ethics process by both her and the Obama administration. The U.S. Senate was suckered by these promises because, as we’ve shown thanks to a court order, the promised ethics process was a joke. judicialwatch.org/press-room/weekly-updates/clinton-corruption-bombshells/
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 09:33:20 +0000

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