Obama Slams American Law Enforcement in Absurd Race-Baiting Speech - TopicsExpress


Obama Slams American Law Enforcement in Absurd Race-Baiting Speech President Obama blames virtually everything that happens in this country on racism, which may say something more about Obama’s character than the character of the country. Obama claims that he wants to bring an end to racism, but his constant harping on it has actually increased racial divisiveness in the country. The President recently stirred the racial pot again, this time during a speech to the Congressional Black Caucus, in which he invoked events in Ferguson, Missouri, to cast racial aspersions against law enforcement officers in America. Obama said, “In too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement. Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement,” adding “Guilty of walking while black or driving while black; judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.” He continued, “We know that statistically, in everything from enforcing drug policy to applying the death penalty to pulling people over there are significant racial disparities, that’s just the statistics.” He ends by putting a false sense of unity and inclusiveness to his racially divisive comments by saying, “That is not the society we want. It is not the society that our children deserve. Whether you’re black or white…You don’t want that for America.” Of course that isn’t what Americans want, and most Americans don’t view racism as the all-encompassing problem that Obama makes it out to be. It is race hustlers like him that continue to stir up racial divisions by constantly pointing out every little possible incidence of racism, and then linking it, however insignificant, to the greater society as a whole. What he fails to mention in his speech are the unspoken reasons behind his disparity statistics, such as black-on-black crime, the links between the welfare state and poverty, rampant unemployment and poor education opportunities in the black community, and the fact that liberal policies have utterly destroyed the strong black family. All of those factors play a much larger role in the disparity of black crime rates, and the resulting tensions between white officers and their black constituents, far more so than any type of inherent and institutionalized racism in America’s police forces. Once Obama actually addresses those factors, and actually does something to fix them, then perhaps he will have some credibility when it comes to criticism of the nation’s law enforcement. Just throwing a blanket accusation of racism across all cops in America does nothing to fix the underlying problems, and actually exacerbates the issue.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 06:53:12 +0000

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