Obama bypasses Congress for massive power grab... Fellow Lover of - TopicsExpress


Obama bypasses Congress for massive power grab... Fellow Lover of Liberty, There has never been an end-run around the U.S. Constitution like it... Nobody has ever ignored our basic founding principles so blatantly... Even real wartime presidents have never gone this far... It happened last March 16th, the day before St. Patrick’s Day. Without any fanfare, buried in the late Friday releases from the White House... ...while the nation was distracted by green beer and shamrock parades... ...through Executive Order, Barack Hussein Obama completely bypassed the U.S. Constitution and the powers of Congress, and awarded upon himself the power to impose a brutal version of Martial Law -- RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA!!! Through this Executive Order, Obama gave himself huge powers that allow him to instantly create a Soviet-like statist regime. And I must have your help to stop him. Here at American Liberty PAC we’re going to need your help to get the word out, right now -- all across the nation. I hope you will help us with your very best donation. This NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS Executive Order runs to nine pages of legal mumbo jumbo, but when you cut to the chase you’ll find that Obama has hijacked our country, bypassed Congress, and really stuck it to the American people. He has grabbed blank-check dictatorship powers that are a violent assault on our personal liberty, property rights and the rule of law. They allow him to control us in nasty, petty-dictator ways guaranteed to make us miserable and subservient to him. He can now: Takeover any company he wants Break existing labor contracts Cut healthcare provisions Fix food prices Close private companies and replace with government work Hike up airfares Raise gas prices Reduce pay Take your car Take your food By limiting how we travel, what we can eat, and where we can work he can create the communist utopia he has always dreamed about! But we can -- and will -- stop his diabolical plan. The bad news is that an Executive Order can only be revoked by another Executive Order. And Obama is not going to do that. But, there is one other way to stop it. Congress has the power to pass legislation that makes his plans illegal and cuts all funding. In fact it’s the ONLY thing that can stop Obama’s evil communist take-over of our America. So we’re going to fight to defang and defund it. We’re going to demand that the House of Representatives, in its role as defender of the Constitution, immediately pursue remedies to neutralize this Executive Order. It’s going to be tight. We have until September 30th and the start of the next finance cycle. We must send an urgent message back to Washington -- to the majority House Republican Party and especially the Tea Party patriots -- that we need them to step up and do their duty at this perilous time. It’s now or never. We must defund his Executive Order and derail his plans! His outrageous power grab is unprecedented, unconstitutional and illegal. Naturally, the mainstream media -- and all of Obama’s liberal media buddies -- are just ignoring it. So here at American Liberty PAC, we’re going to do the heavy lifting and get the word to where it matters: Washington D.C.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 15:52:14 +0000

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