Obama focuses on economy in NC State speech, vows ‘year of - TopicsExpress


Obama focuses on economy in NC State speech, vows ‘year of action on jobs Interesting that a newly elected ‘Republican Governor’ took action to create an environment that will stimulate job growth here in NC. Now… Obama chose NC to deliver yet another ‘Action on Jobs’ promises speech. Do you suppose he is reaching out to Governors McCrory, Walker or Perry for any input or advice on policy that stimulates job growth? I would bet one month’s pay that the answer to that question is a resounding ‘NO’! These are three governors whose states have produced more jobs than others as they try to recovery from a massive recession that was caused by Federal Housing & Mortgage polices that were championed by democrats in the first place. Regarding the Obama speech – he promises to use “his executive powers”. Hmmm… just this last week alone was a fury of Supreme Court sessions to determine if the Presidents use of ‘Executive Order’ – is a breach of power. I know full well that Obama’s idea of his ‘Executive Powers’ are certainly not the powers given to him and his administration in our Constitution. I am going to go out on a limb here and predict we will see more ignoring of our constitution and breaking of our laws by our POTUS. Any comments or predictions out there? newsobserver/2014/01/15/3534924/obama-focuses-on-economy-in-nc.html
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 17:23:43 +0000

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