Obama haters , you are so predictable. Instead of evaluating him - TopicsExpress


Obama haters , you are so predictable. Instead of evaluating him rationally, you judge him with your right-wing racist and ideological prejudices. A Presidents legacy is not judged by a common wing-nut Joe on the street, who listens to nothing but right-wing propaganda, but by dispassionate historians at the end of his term, who pull together all presidential decisions and activities and compare them to those of his predecessors and to certain objective standards of a successful presidency. 1.Obamas economic stimulus was a success. In addition to ending the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression (a legacy of W, according to most historians, the worst President in history), it made hundreds of billions in long-term investments to the nation’s physical and human infrastructure. 2. His ACA has expanded health coverage to millions who couldnt afford it before - a measure that was a symbol of basic care for a countrys citizens in most civilized Western democracies except America. 3. Obama played a crucial role—material and otherwise—in advancing and protecting the rights of LGBT Americans. This development can be compared to womens and minorities struggle for equal rights. I dont have to tell you that right-wingers were and are against providing equal rights for all three of those groups. 4. The President will get deserved credit for ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (started on false pretenses by Bush) as well as killing Osama bin Laden. Obama wouldve accomplished much more had it not been for the Tea Party know-nothing, do-nothing Congress and the Republican Party which slavishly pandered to their reactionary Southern ideology. Mitch McConnell and Co. from day one of his presidency proclaimed as their primary goal to be its obstruction at every step.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 03:41:14 +0000

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