Obamas Embarrassing Rejection: You know that you hit the nail - TopicsExpress


Obamas Embarrassing Rejection: You know that you hit the nail on the head when nobody and I mean nobody dared to acknowledge the truth of this article. Keep in mind that the advance team of the Secret Service and assistants to Michele Obama want this information squelched. It is a true embarrassment that they do not want getting out to the mainstream media and then the public. Xinhua News (the commie controlled media news service of China) has already squashed reports from coming out in Chongqing, Chengdu and Hong Kong. They want to make sure that Michele is not embarrassed. In spite of the fact that the South China Morning Post interviewed both school Principals and myself as owner of the private schools in question, no report will make it to the public about their failure to get entrance into our programs. The next thing you will hear is about how they were successful in gaining entrance into other schools. Enjoy the understanding that they were rejected from their first choice. - Dr. Jim Garrow - The Lives of the Rich and Famous: Over the years we have been asked to accept foreign students into the ranks of those of our students whose parents are the movers and shakers in the Peoples Republic of China. Of recent memory is when a friend of mine asked if this was a possibility for one of her daughters. She was the heiress of an auto parts empire and her children the recipients of private school educations in the best schools possible. Her knowledge of what I did with schools in China was marginal but she had run into one of the parts manufacturers in China who had boasted of the fine quality of international education that his two children (an indicator of his real wealth in a one child policy country) were receiving at a school which he named. This prompted the heiress to search out details of the school and eventually she called them and discovered to her surprise that Jimbillybob was the owner of the elite department of the school - a partner of renown. The long and short of this part of my tale is that her daughter attended our school for one year and boarded with a wealthy family whose daughter also attended the school. She loved her year there before moving on to another year in a swanky school in Italy. For those of you who dont dabble at that level you are unaware that the rich and famous like to have their children educated in a variety of settings around the world that give them an international and what they believe to be, a well rounded education experience. The final chapter of this missive is here for those who have grown bored. Michelle Obama is going to tour China, her principle purpose is to find schools for her daughters to attend. Why would this happen you ask? Because at the swank Washington area school they currently attend they heard about international schools from their friends who are off to a variety of locations around the world. Sidwell is a fine school but the really elite group do the tour of international boarding schools. It is sooo in and Michelle is desperate to be in. So the Obama trailer trash are trying to fit in with the elites of the world and this is the natural next step in the process for the kiddies. And yes the pressure is on to allow the Presidents purported progeny to grace the halls of one of our schools with their presence. Thank goodness that we have a rigorous screening process and the background of the parents is looked into very carefully. You say you cant produce a true birth certificate for your Father, Natasha and Malia Ann? You cannot provide proof that he is your Father? Im sorry, thats just not acceptable for entrance into our schools. After all we have to know that only respectable folks will influence the young people in our charge. Applications denied. We Have Standards: As the events unfold on the international stage I was given the almost mythical and unheard of ability to do something that Obama has never dared to do. Yes dear ones, I said no to Michelle. And I lived to tell the tale. As luck would have it we were confronted with a request that seemed like a heaven send. One of our partner schools in Chengdu and another one in Beijing were approached about having a visit from the First Lady of the United States. Because of the fact that we are in charge of the International Departments and English Departments of both schools, we declined the honor. I explained to our partners in China that to allow someone with such a degree of dishonor associated with her life previous to her following her husband into the White House would be an embarrassment to myself and the reputations of our school and its students. I explained further that the media in America are cheerleaders for the communist Obama. Words have a way of opening dialogue in such a wonderful way. Communist? Obama is a communist? The explanations flowed... Apparently the schools were not aware that both Michelle and Barack were forced to surrender their law licenses to avoid criminal charges. This information was the cause of a minor scandal which the Chinese officials tried to contain. Unfortunately for them a number of parents called me in Canada to ascertain what the truth was. The Presidents of both Parent Councils agreed with our decision and soon the word will flow across China of the truth of the less than peachy keen reputation of the frauds in the White House. God does have a sense of humor. I am your humble servant - Dr. Jim Garrow -
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 19:16:33 +0000

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