Obama’s tyrannical behaviors and policies are now almost - TopicsExpress


Obama’s tyrannical behaviors and policies are now almost legendary around the world. Like an Emperor, he now writes his own legislation to bypass Congress and overrule US laws. While much of the world now views Obama as a feckless and increasingly weak politician, the American people watch the establishment of an all encompassing Obama Police State with increasing fear. This is tyranny. Despite protestations—even that from leftist pollsters—from the American people to the contrary, Obama is determined to implement his policies geared toward the destruction of the United States of America. Obama has unilaterally written (via EO) his own laws and regulations—many if not most contrary to US laws—which will now lead to the decimation of energy in the USA. He is still sending millions of dollars to the enemies of our country, arguably to help them in their effort to obliterate us—aid and comfort to our enemies…that’s treason. Obama released the 5 most dangerous Islamist terrorists ever housed at Gitmo, while attempting to turn deserter and probable Taliban collaborator Bowe Bergdahl into a hero—aid and comfort to our enemies…that’s treason. Obama has opened up the US Southern borders to all comers—and his lackey and fellow Black Liberation Marxo-fascist US Attorney Eric Holder is providing attorneys for all of them—full aid and comfort to our enemies….that’s treason. To Obama, the true Islamic terrorists are not his enemies. It is we who have lived under liberty, the US Constitution and want to regain both for our country who are his and his syndicate’s adversaries. We are the ones he has to crush—not the evil now surrounding us. This is the most blatant treason of all. At this juncture, I truly don’t know if we can save this country. There seem to be simply too many odds against us—including, but not limited to, the overwhelming of virtually all aspects of the US system via Obama’s Cloward-Piven strategy. However, I believe that it’s, again, well worth noting that a mere 3-4% of the North American colonial population were those who began the process and the fight for the soon to be USA’s extrication from Mother England. By the way, liberty has never been free. It requires us to fight against tyrannical governments as they appear. If we refuse to fight we are doomed to enslavement. This has been true since humans first appeared on the Earth. If you don’t fight, you will be forced to do so and your death will be inevitable anyway. As all too many of us ignored—and many still do—the government that has now signed our death warrants, we have now begun the time of our slavery to the ObamaGov and his elitists. If you want your bondage to continue, just take the blue pill. Then, enjoy your servitude and the ongoing deceit daily issuing from the lips of Obama and his minions. Then, again, if you truly want freedom again…the red pill is still available; but, only for a little while longer. “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand”—Ephesians 6:13
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 14:14:54 +0000

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