Occasionally , I stop my schedule of studying, working, driving, - TopicsExpress


Occasionally , I stop my schedule of studying, working, driving, socializing and reflect on things that seem so normal throughout my day. I look at how some of the mundane details of my life could not be conceived of just a few generations ago. On a weekly basis, I drive 60 miles away from home to an institution that fills me with enormous amounts of knowledge in a highly organized and systematic fashion. If we lived 200 years ago, it was possible that you never left a 20 mile radius from your home and didnt learn in a lifetime what an individual learns in 4-5 years. The amount of people we can contact at a moments notice-- via a device that we mayve deemed a super computer 50 years ago--most likely exceeds the amount of people any human ever exchanged words with just a century ago. Oh yeah, that device fits comfortably inside your pocket. We also knew little about what made our eyes see or our lungs breathe. We knew little about what drives our behavior or why people want to be loved. Today, we live in a wildly different world. There is endless information that is constantly consumed, built upon and rethought. We are changing the very fabric of our existence before we have time to fully absorb it. This is insanely awesome if you think about where we came from. There are so many brilliant people collaborating with one another, creating amazing projects that better humanity. There are businesses joining forces to pool intellectual, monetary and human resources to create a whole that is infinitely more powerful than the sum total of its parts. Its freakin inspiring. We once lived in caves and now were exchanging thoughts and ideas over some crazy electronic network we call the Internet. (Someone explain to me how this thing works). What Im getting at here is, we have to stop and ponder these things once in a while. We cant be completely immersed in this stuff. We can sort of mesh into all of it and fail to distinguish between the two. It becomes...part of us. I have to remind myself, from time to time, to check in with my real, human side . The side without the modern conveniences or obligations. Its a perspective adjustment, no different than aligning your tires to steer the vehicle straight. Do yourself a favor and think of your existence in this exciting universe. So much randomness, chance, or luck of the draw. Or is it? Maybe its all perfectly in place for you to experience it. Something beneath all of the busyness exists. An intelligence that keeps you alive and curious. With this realized, its impossible to complain, worry or feel down. Being alive is amazing in itself! So every now and again I ask myself: Is there air in my lungs? Are the synapses in my brain firing? Is there blood pumping through my heart? If the answer is yes, I am content. I hope this made you feel lighter.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 15:16:05 +0000

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