October 18th -- Proverbs 18 A man who has friends must himself be - TopicsExpress


October 18th -- Proverbs 18 A man who has friends must himself be friendly but there is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother v.24 I have seen at times in the Body of Christ how people will complain that the Church is not friendly. They might say something like they reached out to someone and they did not respond to them. They might use this as an excuse for returning to the old life and walking away from the Lord. According to the Truth of Gods Word here, none of that holds water. If we want friends we must first be a friend, a good friend. We must not put demands and expectations on other people that we ourselves are not living up to in our own lives. We need to be honest and look at out hearts and the things we are doing and ask Christ how we can become better, more like Him and a blessing to other people. Rather than merely focusing on our wants and desires and our expectations from other people. All of that being selfish, self centered and ungodly. But the most important part of this verse is Truth about this other Friend, the One who sticks closer than a brother, who is near to us, loving us and giving all for us. The truth of the matter is that people will fail us and they will fall short. Those who love us deeply, our spouse, our children and close friends are still sinners, just and we are and will fall short. If our expectation and our hope is in them we are going to be in for it. But rather our focus, our sights are to be set on the One who is perfect, the One who never fails and is always faithful! As we keep our eyes upon Jesus the Author (originator) and Finisher(perfecter) of our faith we will be good! He will help us through life, He will sustain us and give us hope in our darkness hour! He will never fail us and never leave us nor forsake us, in Him we are safe! He is the Perfect Friend, there is no better, there is no other like the Lord!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 10:56:44 +0000

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