Official: May 30-31 my business partner Los Silva and I will be - TopicsExpress


Official: May 30-31 my business partner Los Silva and I will be hosting an Exclusive Webinar Method Mastermind in Las Vegas NV at Caesars Palace. If youve ever wanted to know the secret to how I construct, present, and follow up with my webinar presentations for maximum conversions.... This might be for you (keep reading). During 2 Days Ill be walking our mastermind members through: - My Show Up Pulse Secret: While most people are seeing a decline in live webinar attendance, our show up rates continue to go up. Well showcase the simple step by step method that gets this done. -My Black Tablecloth Method: Our Complex (but powerful once you master it) technique of setting up the webinar in the first few minutes of the call make sure everyone is ready to take in your presentation and primed for the offer at the end. - My Presentation Construction Diamond Method The most powerful way to construct a presentation so that you can set your offer up for success. My diamond method all centers around a magic trick and Ill show you exactly how to pull it off and construct the diamond around that trick so that you blow your attendees away with value and then set the pitch up perfectly. -Pitch Transition Secrets Ill show you how to effortlessly go from your info packed presentation to the pitch without missing a beat and how to do it in a way that will make your attendees feel lucky about being presented with an offer (no sleazy sales crap.... Im going to show you how to be the coolest damn cat on the block when you transition to your pitch.) - Live Call Conversion Rockets Ill be revealing all of our special methods to converting like crazy while live on the call. Youll learn how to bump your conversion stats through the roof without ever risking making the attendees mad. (99% of webinar presenters mess the pitch up... Ill show you how to nail it so that you make more money per call but also make your attendees love you for pitching.) - The Replay Formula Almost everyone messes this up but its the key to making around 45-55% of your total income on webinars. Ill show you the exact followup sequence that you need to follow with your webinars so that you can maximize your conversions and keep your subscribers happy. -More to come Ill reveal even more about the event.... next week :) Who is this for? -Anyone who does live sales pitches via webinar, phone, or from stage. -Successful marketers who are looking to add webinars to their tool belt (and take their business to the next level) -Folks that are tired of relying on sales letters and videos to bring in the bulk of their income (webinars can boost your income by at least 70% when done correctly). Some Things You Need to Know..... -This Event will Be Live at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas May 30-31st. -It will Be Really Expensive -Only 10 People will be allowed to come. -You will walk out with a webinar method that will set you up to kill it for years to come. -I will be very picky about who we allow through the door. If you have a reputation for being a scammer, for not paying your affiliates, or just being overall shady.... Dont even think about applying. The information that well be revealing can be used for evil and I have no interest in teaching folks that want to take advantage of others. More info this coming week :) Stay Tuned.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 12:53:01 +0000

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