Official Statement 28 September 2014 Vosloorus, Ekurhuleni, - TopicsExpress


Official Statement 28 September 2014 Vosloorus, Ekurhuleni, Gauteng, ZA ASIJIKI DEFENCE FORCE STATEMENT ON THE STATE OF THE ECONOMIC REVOLUTION AND THE WAY FORWAD TOWARDS ACHIEVING THE TOTAL LIBERATION OF AFRICA AND THE COMPLETION OF THE AFRICAN REVOLUTION. The Asijiki Defence Force (ADF) met on Sunday 25th July 2014 in Vosloorus, Ekurhuleni, to reflect on the past year, its achievements, challenges, casualities as well as to chart a way forward towards the total liberation of all Azanians and the attainment of the Economic Freedom In Our Lifetime. ADF congratulates the Economic Freedom Fighters on a good performance in the South Afrikan National General Elections and wishes the EFF well in its new endeavours as mandated representatives of the people of Azania. Key to the introspection was the critical role played by soldiers of ADF in establishing an organisation that was to be a radical force of the left. An anti-capitalist movement that established itself as the vanguard of the poor. This organisation is, of course, the Economic Freedom Fighters. A definite aura of accomplishment hung above the meeting as activist of the revolutionary formation, ADF, reflected on the accomplishment of its primary objective, that which was to usher in firmly, the generational mission of Youth Action For Economic Freedom In Our Lifetime. ADF expresses explicit pride in the key role played by its generals across the nation, in every corner of South Africa, who set about the motion, through its network of foot soldiers, of establishing ground forces of the EFF. As such the realisation had to exist that ADF had achieved its fundamental motive, however in order to remain relevant, the ADF has to redefine itself in order to maintain its posture as the significant driving force behind the African Revolution. The sitting also reflected and adopted a view that there was a systematic and coordinated effort to sideline foot-soldiers of ADF who had individually and collectively played defining roles in the establishment of as well as the entrenchment of EFF in all corners of Azania. All leaders gave input regarding the overview of the organisation and the inseparable relationship that exists between the ADF and the EFF as well what role each organisation played in the others existence. A resolve was taken that ADF shall remain independant of any organisation and will continue to be the creator of ideas that are geared to achieving the unconditional and total emancipation of the Afrikan People. The meeting also took a firm stance that says; The revolution will never be won in the ballot, as recently witnessed in the National General Election. With the foresight that in the bourgeoisie systems, he who controls the resources controls the process of elections and by default the outcomes. As Stalin said: Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. Having made that concession ADF found it necessary to adopt a multi-pronged approach towards the attainment of the revolution. In time ADF will announce the details of its strategies and tactics that will deliver the dignity of the disenfranchised and enslaved Afrikan masses. We will through civic programs and strategic projects begin to prepare the minds of our people for a decisive victory against the imperialist oppressors. We must begin to conscientise our people about the revolution through targeted information and educational output and a sustained propaganda campaign in order to mentally liberate the minds of our people. Ours is a struggle for our motherland which was taken away with the gun, and the bomb, and the teargas, and the Gatling and the canon. Ours is a struggle for the dignity of the Afrikan child. We dare not fail. ADF will therefore consolidate all forces of the ultra-left in order to forge insurmountable unity and strength. The revolution must be intensified. The meeting thus resolved on the following: 1. ADF will release a statement outlining its position and posture relative to the current political climate. This statement will seek to bring all members of ADF across the country onto the same page with regards to the unity as well as the Program Of Action going forward. 2. ADF will form a Commissariat which will be responsible for exploring and implementing alternate methodologies of achieving the revolution. 3. ADF shall register as a civic organisation (previously NGO) for the sake agitating and lobbying society at large to rally behind the call for Economic Freedom In Our Lifetime. The civic organisation will also be responsible for the cultivation of projects and programs that are aimed at liberating our people, physically, economically and mentally. 4. ADF shall deploy a delegation of 5 soldiers to meet with the Commander-in-Chief of Economic Freedom Fighters, Ftr Julius Malema, to outline our stance as well as to address the issues highlighted above where the relations between EFF and ADF are concerned. 5. National leadership of ADF is to be tasked with specific areas within the Commissariat in order to efficiently and expediently implement the resolutions of the meeting and to achieve a targeted outcome that is effective and scalable. 6. ADF supports the formation of ELAWU subject to a proper presentation to be made to ADF by the leadership of ELAWU. 7. Within the Commissariat the following ministries will be established in order to begin to formulate the blueprint of ADF: �Ministry of Militant Indoctrination �Ministry of Civic Organisation �Ministry of Revolutionary Unions �Ministry of Information and Propaganda �Ministry of Special Projects. Issued By Asijiki Defence Force Contact: AsijikiDefenceForce@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:54:29 +0000

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