Oh Merciful Father, how we adore you...humbly we beseech you - TopicsExpress


Oh Merciful Father, how we adore you...humbly we beseech you always. I come before you my great I AM with a grateful heart but also a heavy heart....Father help us your children in these very disturbing and very dark times. Evil lurks around every corner and in plain sight .....Like King David in the sorrow in his voice of his lamentations and agony of the enemies camped around him...Father forgive us for sometimes worrying and being frustrated and even sad...You fill us up completely with your gentle Holy Spirit who never comes with condemnation only conviction....You sacrificed your Holy son spotless lamb of God you Father to die a horrendeous death unimagineable to mankind ....never sinned but tempted greatly ....fully man fully God how beautiful your son is so gloriouis so pure, yes our lamb and we have him also as our shepherd ...how he tenderly kept his flock of sheep under his arm...tucked close to his heart. how magnifent you are the great I AM ....covering us with grace and love and mercy and oh how Jesus intercedes every single day for each of us before you pleading on our behalf .....so so much love unfathomable by our little tiny pea size brains we cannot begin to comprehend the depth and width of your love you are a light to us in this dark world ...you offer us hope because of your son Jesus....you walked alongside of Adam and planted a garden, you always provided a sacrifice in place of all the Abrahams sons from the beginning of time, you allowed the gentile to be grafted into your vine and allowed us yes allowed us by grace only to be the branches....your wine is pure and poured out over us and the fruit of the grape that you alone told to grow and it obeyed , you generously shared your sons blood for us to cover us the new passover for all ....It is with mixed emotions Lord we all bow before you sometimes we are in awe and sometimes broken , often we are searching and pleading....you say be still and know that I am God.....the grass obeys your command to grow and the sheep graze freely soon Lord the sheep shall graze alone in the streets of Damascus as it shall be no more......no mankind shall inhabit it nor Syria and then we the church your bride know you shall shout with Joy and trumpets COME UP HITHER good and faithfull children....and in a twinkling of an eye we shall be transformed and obey and fly to you and dance with joy and delight ....soon after the wine press shall spill out the enemies of this world and the blood shall fill the empty dried up Euphrates river as WHO WHO can stand against you NO ONE no not one . Now Father we know that we know we are to pray pray pray as then you shall open the gates to your kingdom heaven and we shall enter your holy courts and be in your presence and reign with you as heirs to the throne as we belong to a Royal king yes a King the Majesty of your presence we are in awe of you and could not withstand the brilliance of your light if not transformed, could we withstand your glory and behold it.....your holy angels and the 144,000 that shout and sing and glorify you day and night ...the holiness engulfs us and we fall down and worship you and bow yes bow before our Almighty God the one the only the great I Am...... Lord please open our ears that we may hear the whispers and shouts of your holy wonderous voice, our eyes that we may see your handiwork in creation your canvas of a masterpiece , our hearts to soften and ourlips to drink you in our breath to breathe you in and may our lips proclaim that you are the Lord Jesus Chris is Lord of Lord and King of Kings yes we shout Jesus Christ is Lord and we fall as like the leaf from your tree of healing for all the nations , we drink from your river of life, we can hear you above the peels of thunder and roaring waters rushing from all sides, every voice shall worship in unison you are high and lifted up, in this place as the song proclaims....Bless our lips oh holy father that when they open they sing only of your praises and may the vapors of heavens altar , the fullness there of , YOU Father fully consume us as we are yours forever and ever ! agape love , Gods love and whose eyes are the color of love, oh beloved church I your sister Sharon as always come in his precious name no other name under heaven Jesus , Jesus , Jesus amen and amen may our God bless you all so abundantly and the desires of yiur heart be heard and met in his name blessings from his child to the church...Prepareth your heart for the time draweth near our groom is coming sooner than anyone can possibly Imagine ........he the Lord is an all consuming fire
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 02:27:18 +0000

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