Oh barf! On the topic of ranting... Come 2015, child expenses - TopicsExpress


Oh barf! On the topic of ranting... Come 2015, child expenses (which includes alimony) are no longer tax deductible in the Netherlands. Hallelujah, cries everyone without children and any sense of demographics (if you’re that one person, ask me and I will explain, Léngthy!) I am in a unique position (being a woman) of paying child alimony for my two children to my (unemployed) ex-husband even though he only has them 18 hours a week more than me (co-parenting agreement). And here comes the barf part: It was ruled in court three years ago, that I cóuld pay alimony to the extent that I ám paying now becáuse it was tax deductible. Thank God for that cause I went through hell and back showing them I could nót pay alimony on my current wages. So when these new laws are in place I basically have two options: Ignore reality and pay what I can not pay, or go to court once again (another year of hell no doubt) and it is going to cost a lot more for legal fees. I háve to go to court because here’s the slam dunk: County wont accept that (if possible) me and my ex agree on a lower alimony because théy have court ruling that says I can pay that amount. And if I dón’t pay my ex that amount, he will be cut fór that amount anyway. While I absolutely adore going to the movies with my kids and having popcorn as well etc, there’s something about them being poor while at their father’s that just don’t sit right with me. I agree, he shóuld get a job but lets not kid ourselves, the kids can come home at regular times becáuse he has no job! And how many jobs do you see out there for a father of two who needs to be home at 15:15 and can only come áfter 8:45?! The new laws are about making more and more people uncomfortable with marriage and having kids and scare the hell out of anybody who is in a bad marriage. Because when push comes to shove, being beaten every day seems far better than being hungry every day...
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 21:23:02 +0000

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