Oh my sweet friends, so grateful for your prayers! Please keep - TopicsExpress


Oh my sweet friends, so grateful for your prayers! Please keep them coming! Have moved into the next steps in my job interview process. So far a phone interview, video conference, shared references, today they checked references-- and this is all just with the recruiters so far! Tomorrow morning is my first call with the company where I am being considered. Will be speaking with two people from their HR team. Grateful to have made it this far. Grateful to keep the conversation going and see where it may lead. Tonight went to a few of their locations to check out the food offerings. Surprisingly I am very excited about the impact I could make and the track they are on which is leading edge. I thought I was changing career directions but if God is sending me this gift, a message not to give up that there is more to accomplish in my field, who am I not to listen? He knows I have been praying for a sign. So far this is happening fast, seems like a great fit, really no watch outs thus far. Based on my research this companys commitment to innovation is clear- and innovation is my wheelhouse-- especially in food. Was thinking back to my last big venture- a lack of commitment to innovation was a main issue. Glad to be applying he principles of due diligence; liking what I have learned so far. Will keep showing up and see what happens. I am grateful for this spark of passion and intrigue, this reminder that perhaps there is more for me to accomplish for women in my field. Grateful to have had an amazing career thus far, so much beyond my wildest dreams. Would be incredible to get back on the career track and keep shattering the glass ceiling-- all the while being a single parent. I have learned soooo much in the last few years--- with God in charge anything is possible. Driving home from my store research I was pondering, why now? What do I think is different? Answered that easily: I am very different. Different than a year ago, even from 6 months ago. It occurred to me, this last year, and the one before- ever since my divorce really, I have felt so down at times that I have been given a sense of humility. Many years back I thought getting clean and sober taught me humility. Maybe it did, for a while- or to a degree. Later in Seattle, I though our home going into foreclosure and eventually short selling made me humble. Not even close. I thought asking my hubbie for a divorce, then the fallout, then him getting remarried before the paper was dry. Nope. Last spring when I ran out of money, my own and tens of thousands of borrowed funds, I cried and cried. Then my Uncle died and I shed more tears. Then my son almost died, and that was wake up call. I became overwhelmed by many things. Was forced to simplify and make hard choices. More kept piling on, my son hit a bottom of sorts, so did I. So much learning. Primarily- that none of this is about me. I am just here to serve with God & Love. Puts a very new spin on everything! This last year I learned, painfully at times, that there is nothing I can do, no amount of money in this world, nor material things, or love, or people, or career, or years of sobriety or a place- however beautiful it may be-- absolutely nothing can make me happy, joyous and free. Its an inside job. Its up to me and God. He showed me that I can be happy with nothing in the bank. No stability, no home ownership, no high profile position, no partner, even took away my first born for a while., I had nothing but him. God and love. Ive become obedient and dependent, Ive surrendered a million times, over and over. With nothing left to loose I am here and I am happy. I am joyful, I am free! My friend Vinny shared this song, this saying, that I love and have used in my own poetry. I am softly broken, so I could be saved. Now I am willing. Willing to do what is in front of me and leave the results up to him. No matter what. God and love, they saved me. I am grateful for each lesson and all opportunities to learn, grow, and serve. Life with God leading is amazing. Feeling so blessed and excited for the future. Feeling abundantly grateful. Ready for whatever adventure God wants me to go on. With him - all is possible!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 05:14:30 +0000

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