Oh you know more about Scottish history than I do, really? Is that - TopicsExpress


Oh you know more about Scottish history than I do, really? Is that why you tried to claim that the Scotti came over from Ireland and then completely ignored the fact that the first settlers into Britain came from what is known as Wales today? Is that why the Picts no doubt would have spoken a Welsh Gallic just so happened to be speaking the same language as those Brythonic people that came up from what is now Wales? Exactly, because the high chances are, the Picts, Scotti and Brythonic were all the same people. Oh and by the way, if you would like to attempt that Irish Invasion crap with me, that invasion was said to have taken place AFTER the Vikings invaded, just one problem with that argument; the Scotti were recorded in Scotland during the Roman invasion which happened BEFORE the Vikings had ever arrived. The point Im making is not something anti-Irish or wanting to disassociate with Ireland, the point Im making is, WE ARE BRYTHONIC (British) people, not because of a union, but because the HIGH CHANCES are, the Scotti and Picts were the same people who you so desperately try to separate. The best part of all is, archaeologists discover new things all the time and from what is being found, we were not as distant from those very people you like to proclaim we were. But of course, that comes part and parcel when youre a racist bastard and a Scottish Nationalist, it goes hand in hand. That racist you honestly cant stand the word British, well, tough shit, because your ancient ancestors were British, you were born on the land of Great Britain, therefore YOU ARE BRITISH!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 17:57:27 +0000

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