Ok.. I am not a fan of a certain caucasian rapper who in my - TopicsExpress


Ok.. I am not a fan of a certain caucasian rapper who in my opinion exploits peoples emotions to remain relevant and is more of a poet than a legitimate emcee. noticed i called no names but stated my position on the matter. i respect his grind and some of the messages in his music, and he is doing things that Im still working towards. with that being said, i find it disheartening that because certain folks in the industry, namely old school veterans, came into the business before TECHNOLOGY opened the door for other types of creative music makers to participate , they sit up on their analogous high horse and insult these new artists/musicians/producers etc. why?? because they ASSUME that these newbies cant play an instrument. but 90% of these old school guys have no CLUE how to work music making software. Touché. they HIRE people to do that for them when needed. The Kanye McCartney thing has got me speaking on this because Im really over these old school kats insulting the new school artists. All Ignorance about McCartneys legacy aside. thats is not why Im writing. that level of ignorance is expected in a world where folks love to be told by the talking box whats cool instead of go digging and searching for themselves. But for veteran musicians to stoop to name calling and insults because they dont care for anothers music or skill level and to do it in a PUBLIC FORUM on their FAN PAGE is not a good look AT ALL. Its unprofessional and i had to learn that the hard way years ago. It just creates an energy of elitism and exclusion around your art. so if a fan of mine is also into the above mentioned artist, why would i alienate that person by insulting A FELLOW ARTIST by way of childish name calling? Its ok to not like something. but to make things so personal... smh regardless of how much one cares for anothers art, manipulating software to create music is NOT EASY. it DOES take musical skill and knowledge. it takes a good ear, the ability to COMPOSE a piece of music. regardless of the medium, if it has rhythm and melody thats in the right key, its a song. Sometimes i STILL have anxiety about not being formally trained in guitar or music composition or production. SO according to this guy, i wasnt a real musician until i learned guitar?? BOOOOOOOOO no one TAUGHT me what notes sound good together, i JUST KNOW. Its useless to insult a persons natural ability. I bet he woud not say that to Dr. Dre. . . he HIRES people to play the music he hears in his head. But he aint a real musician????? maybe not by definition but knowing what fits and what doesnt isnt a job for a tone deaf carpenter. and yes i think Kanye West has done some brilliant work MUSICALLY. especially in his earlier MORE HUNGRY days. I was tempted to tag the person that made me share my thoughts, but i left a comment on their page that was brief and to the point. Maybe its the extra comma in Kanyes number of fans (or on his checks) that has Mr. Old School so tight. #LetItGo To sum up the long point. . . dont be a hater, seriously. its not a good look. I say this to you as i say it to myself.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:14:20 +0000

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