Ok, I happened to get the number 18! Thanks Jayce Jamaal 1. - TopicsExpress


Ok, I happened to get the number 18! Thanks Jayce Jamaal 1. Lets see I have freckles on my arms (is that interesting?) 2. When I was 7 I really took to heart the whole you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up speech and thought about what could be the one most unique thing in the world to be. So at the age of 7 I decided to be a Professional Belly Button Cleaner :-D How far did I make it in that profession you ask? Well lets just say that my sister was my one an only client! Lol 3. I took classes for 6 weeks with the famous ballerina Misty Copeland and didnt even know it. It was before she was famous but still. 4. I have a mole in the middle of my forehead and after I met my husband I told him that I mustve been born to marry an Indian lol 5. We were so busy planning our wedding that it didnt dawn on me that we werent even engaged until he asked me to marry him two days before the wedding! 6. When I was 6 I saw brown liquid coming out of my play kitchen set. I thought that maybe it could be apple juice (fridge door doesnt open). My siblings wouldnt taste to see what it was so I did. It was battery acid. 7. My biggest pet peeve is when my boys get the names of the Ninja Turtles mixed up. Irritates me lol! 8. I never saw the big deal with Zac. I had a crush on Screech lol 9. If you see that I have written a lol it is because I literally lol. Even at myself. 10. In 6th grade Frankie gave me the nickname Mustachio after I called him Crusty Lips lol. I have been shaving ever since Kyle 11. I was homeschooled 7th grade and up. I homeschool my children now. 12. The first foreign country I visited was Indonesia. I now refer to them as my people lol 13. I want a Shar Pei and I want to tie a pink bow around his neck and call him Uncle Albert. Husband wont bend on that so it looks like I will have to settle with a Bull Mastiff at which case I will name him William Fluffy Naik, because it is my turn to name the dog. 14. I will always miss my time in Spain particularly my dancers, dance parents but really because PSD 2009-2012 just rocks! 15. My husband and I met during a party for Kelli. We were together for almost five hours and didnt once leave each others side not even for a bathroom break. That is the day that we celebrate as our official day since weve been together. We drive each other crazy at times but at least Im cute with it lol! 16. I rapped in the 5th grade in front of the whole school for my DARE graduation. I was able to get two other classmates to join me lol 17. I miss climbing trees. 18. My dream car is a light sparkly purple Mercedes Benz with a leather tan interior! That was really a lot of TMI lol!!!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 01:35:22 +0000

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