Ok a bit of sharing of my own... Its a long story so please bear - TopicsExpress


Ok a bit of sharing of my own... Its a long story so please bear with me here... I have several animals that journey with me, 3 of them being constant. Mother Bear has walked with the women of my family for many generations and is with us constantly since most of us tend to mother, protect and guide the ones around us. Brother Wolf has been with me since I was a child, and my love for Wolf was only strengthened when at the age of 9 my mom brought me home a Wolf cub and set the wiggling bundle of fur in my lap. I named her Tessa and she was my constant companion. So when I lost her a few years later due to an ignorant neighbor shooting her out of fear (although my wolf had never hurt anyone nor been aggressive in any way) my heart never recovered. But still I knew Wolf walked with me. I have never known a day that Bear and Wolf were not by my side. So 2 1/2 years ago when I truly began my Spirit walk, my search, my journey, I was met by a new guide along the way - Owl. Owl came to me in many ways (meditation, images and even flying above me during walks at night - I have always been a night energy). But a couple months ago Owl honored me in a beautiful way... This is a very personal story, and I have only shared it with a few very close friends. But in the spirit of sharing I feel compelled to share how special my journey totem has come to be to me.... My friends were having a bonfire back at the beginning of October, but it was decided as a last minute thing the night before to have it which gave no one really anytime to plan for sitters etc. My hubby and I were gonna skip it as we didnt have a sitter and didnt want to take my girls because we knew it would be a late affair (we didnt end up leaving there until 2 AM) and we had an extra kid staying the weekend.. Plus I had an interview with a classmate to do an interview for a school assignment. So we decided to just hang out at home instead. Then randomly the lady I was supposed to interview called and asked if we could reschedule for the next afternoon. I told her sure, no big deal. Then, shortly afterwards the grandma of the girl who was staying the weekend with us called to ask if she could take her granddaughter and both of my girls for the night to spend time with them all. I was surprised but figured sure why not. Then I realized we were suddenly home alone on a Saturday night and my class assignment was postponed, so y not go to the bonfire? On the way there I kept feeling like there was a reason that all my excuses for not going had been removed so I could be there. Of course, I was curious what would happen. Within minutes of arriving my friends husband told me about him driving late the evening before and him hitting an owl with his truck and that he thought it was left behind on the road, but when he got home it was stuck to the grill. He then told me how he had cut one of her feet off for the claw and was gonna cut the other one off later, but for the time he had just tossed her in the garbage bin. I became physically ill at what he had done to her, and that he had taken a claw from her with no honor at all, no offering of thanks or gratitude. As soon as he spoke of her I felt this pull and I had to see her. As soon as he showed her to me I removed her from the top of the trash bin and began to lovingly pet her (I never once felt concern for touching a dead bird it was like it was natural to love on her). She was a great horned owl, and had the most beautiful and softest feathers I had ever touched in my life. Then I asked if he planned to bury her and he told me no. He started talking of beheading her to keep her head for the beak and my heart nearly came out of my chest. I begged him to give her honor for the claw he took and bury her and he said he doesnt believe I all that mumbo jumbo and its just a damn dead bird. I was sickened and angry. I continued to pet her and pray over her. I then felt the strong pull to have a feather from her for my healing room, so I prayed over her and asked if I could have a feather from her. She told me clearly take my wings, they are yours for flight. I felt so conflicted at first, her body had already been desecrated and I did not want to dishonor her any more. then she already had been. I said a prayer over her again and again was told I could have her wings to create prayer fans for healing. I could hear her speaking to me, giving me permission to take them. I gave an offering and cut her wings, all the while I was speaking to her, talking to her and thanking her while I cried at such a beautiful gift. I again begged my friends husband to bury her in honor, if not to honor the bird then as a favor to me. I explained how in my Native tradition (I am part Cherokee and Apache Indian) that animals are sacred, that gifts from them are sacred, and that she was sacred to me because she was a spirit animal of mine and that it would hurt me for to be left that way with no honor. He kept saying he wanted to take her other foot but still said he wouldnt bury her. During my time arguing with him I kept hearing her tell me to take her home with me and bury her at my home. I thought of stealing her from him but didnt feel that was right either. I kept harping on him and finally I bugged him enough he gave me a box and told me to take her so he didnt have to hear any more about it. I was so relieved! And I felt a huge rush of gratitude from her. I knew right away the exact spot to bury her, she showed me she wanted me to put her in the center of my healing circle outside in my yard. I have a moon circle with a medicine in the center and she told me thats where she wanted me to bury her body, so she could always be with me in body and in spirit. I know I was meant to have her, a gift from my journey totem animal, she made sure I went to that party to get her, calling my spirit to come for her. Then on the way home I was talking to one of my mentors online who lives in Australia and also carries Owl medicine, and I told her the story and she was so excited for me, and gave me confirmation that she also felt strongly that the owl had called me to her. Then I told her I felt that this owl needed a special name to call her spirit by and asked if she would help me listen for one. I started searching and I came across the name Athena - the Goddess of wisdom and carrier of Owl medicine and it felt right to me. Then right as I was going to tell my mentor the name I had read, she messaged me and told me she was standing at her stove and heard loudly the name Athena. So it was like instant confirmation to me it was her name - pr at least the human name I could call her by. I held a special ceremony for her to honor her the next day, I added crystals and herbs in her box to create a journey box for her to travel to the next world in. My 10 year old daughter helped me prepare the box, and even helped me dig the hole and bury her in the rain. My daughter felt the love for her as well, and pet her just as lovingly as I had. I know its a sign Owl will journey with my oldest child as well. Especially since both my girls had fallen asleep and only my oldest awoke when I began gathering the items for the ceremony. I love to look out my window to her resting place, and the energy of my circle had become much more intense and powerful since she has come to rest there. I know she will always be a part of me now and I treasure that knowledge. I am still waiting for the right energy to flow so I can create the fan(s) from her wing feathers, and I know they will be a beautiful ceremony tool during my Shamanic healings.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 00:26:32 +0000

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