Ok fam, so what do you do when nothing seems to go right in your - TopicsExpress


Ok fam, so what do you do when nothing seems to go right in your life? What do you do when it seems like the ones closest to you dont support you? What do you do when it seems like the whole world is against you and what you stand for? What do you do when it seems like every single word that comes out of your mouth is critiqued and scrutinized? What do you do when youve endured and endured, and nothing you do seem to make a difference? And finally, what do you do when you offend people for preaching the good news of JESUS CHRIST? Well, simply put, you just smile, give The LORD thanks, and put on the whole armor of GOD! (Ephesians 6:11) Listen, Ive been called a hypocrite, a fake, faithless, and any other name used to tear down the strongest Christian. But guess what? It aint gona stop me from proclaiming HIS name! Why? Because I know that my reward will be given to me by my FATHER in heaven, just as long as I remain faithful to HIM here on earth! And I am certain that my reward will be worth all the ridicule, worth all the scrutiny, worth all the trouble, worth all the debates, worth all the persecutions and worth all of the verbal abuse and backlashes that will come just for trying to save one soul from hell! Now, am I perfect? No. Do I mess up? Yes. Is my sin less than yours? Absolutely not! JESUS himself was laughed at, ridiculed, talked about, spit on and eventually crucified, and HE was perfect! Therefore, I shouldnt expect anything less, not being perfect, and having and dealing with people with a sinful nature! We will always have haters drinking their haterade, and we will always and forever go through something! In fact, JESUS said that we would have trouble in this world (John 16:33), so it shouldnt at all come as a surprise. With that said, I will continue to do GODs will and stay prayed up, because time is almost up! And as long as I can hear the words, Well done, thou good and faithful servant, (Matthew 25:21) on judgement day from JESUS himself, then I could give two flying figs about what you think about me today! HIS words are the only words that matter and the only words that I care about anyways! Ill just let your words roll off my shiny steel armor of GOD! Because at the end of the day, you will know that I stand for GOD whether you know me or not! P.S. If Ive offended anyone with these words, then, as my grandmother used to say, Thats your hard luck! LOL! REAL TALK!! Stay strong my Christian Brothers and Sisters! #TheRealTalkChristianChronicles
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:05:27 +0000

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