Ok had some thoughts that I wanted to share. The past couple of - TopicsExpress


Ok had some thoughts that I wanted to share. The past couple of days have been very chaotic for some people. My prayers go out to the people who had to indure the temperature and trying to get home to their families. Now lets look back at the worrisome souls who did not know where their children or husband or wife were at. Do you remember the helpless feeling that you had during this time? Now lets look at the cell phone systems that were tied up, atleast mine (Verizon) was and it was very irritating not being able to reach my family. Ok with all of that in mind due to a little bit of snow. This is just a very small taste of the chaos that you will experience when Jesus comes back for His people. Yes Im talking about the rapture. Now I know what your thinking . Im not sharing this to upset or scare anyone, but its a situation that WILL happen. May not be today, may not be tomorrow , but folks it WILL happen. Our Lord Jesus Christ will come like a thief in the night. Noone will know when HE will return. Are you prepared? The Lord layed this on my heart to share. Just look at what a little bit of snow caused. If you truely believe that Jesus was a man that walked this earth and died on the cross for your sins and rose again to be seated by HIS FATHER and you have ask HIM for forgiveness of your sins then you dont have anything to worry about because you will be called up in the air with HIM when HE comes. What about your family? Its time to really dig deep inside and think about this. There are people out there talking to people about JESUS who are halfway listening, who are being invited to CHURCH who have better things to do on Sunday or Wednesday. Theres people who go to Church who will be left behind due to not fully giving themselves to CHRIST. If you are not 100% sure its very simple just ask HIM to come into your heart and forgive you. People say all the time I dont have anything to wear to CHURCH. I dont have time, I dont like a certain person that goes to your CHURCH or the CHURCH I use to go to. I got my feelings hurt by someone one time. Let me ask you this. If the georgia lottery called you and said you won a certain amount of money would it matter what you were wearing then? Would you make time then? What if the person that hurt your feelings were going to be there would you still go? Of course you would , do you know why? Its because you will recieve something you need in return. I can assure you the treasures stored in HEAVEN for you will not even come close to what you can have here. You can have every excuse in the world for not wanting to accept JESUS CHRIST or worship HIM. I ask you to rethink your excuses and follow HIM. Think about what that little bit of snow did. Now think about thousands upon thousands of people disapearing because they were called up. If you do not know JESUS CHRIST as your personal LORD and SAVIOR and want to talk about it message me. Accepting HIM will be the most important decision you have ever made I can guarantee you this because its a promise from HIM and HE always keeps HIS promises. So what are you gonna do make more excuses? Its your call ,just remember HE is waiting and HIS unconditional love is waiting.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 17:50:37 +0000

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