Ok, heres a little story about a wide eyed, Very energetic, - TopicsExpress


Ok, heres a little story about a wide eyed, Very energetic, sometimes talkative and trusting 7 and 1/2 yr. old girl and her birthday party. She woke up one beautiful spring day on May 17th for 3rd grade. Her mother was in the kitchen getting her breakfast ready and said Happy Half Birthday! The little girl was bewildered?!?! Half birthday?? What is that? Her mother replied, its the half way point between your 7th and 8th birthday! What do we do? The little girl asked?!? The mother replied; We have a party with half a cake, half a bag of chips, (you get the idea) The little girl was so excited that when she got into Miss Sullivans class, she told all her little friends that they were invited to her half birthday. None of them knew what the hell she was talking about but there would be half a cake and half a bag of chips, etc. so they all accepted the invite. After school she went to each friends house with them so they could get permission to go to this impromptu party. Every mother of every little girl said, youre mother is usually good with invitations, what happened? I said she decided this morning. Luckily, it was back in the day when all the mothers had emergency bday cards lying around. So they all wrote checks out for 10.00 and stuck them in the cards. About 22 little girls walked up Winthrop Ave in Beachmont Revere to my house where a huge half bday party would shortly ensue. I approached the front door. Try to turn the knob, LOCKED! I ran around back with 21 girls holding cards following me, no car in the driveway!! Back door? LOCKED!!! Yes it was back in the days before cell phones, pay phones were a dime and kids at that age never had cash on them. So I had an idea! The little card holding gang walked down to Campbells Variety, we broke open one of the bday cards, cashed the 10 dollar check so we could get dimes to cal my Nina to find out why my mother was ruining my special day and where she was? And while we were at it, used the rest of the change to buy penny candy, I mean when opportunity knocks! Back up the street we go, dimes in hand. I call my Nina and I start crying about all the girls are at my house, my mother said my half party, yada yada yada As Im in the phone booth between my house and the fire station, crying my eyes out of embarrassment with a huge gaggle of 7 and 8 yrs olds surrounding me, who pulls up with no clue? My mother!!! I hang the phone up and Im crying and she says, what are you doing?!?! I said I invited them to my half bday and you werent home and everyone has cards and theyre here for the half cake, the half bag of chips!!! She turned red, but I dont think it was from embarrassment, and said it was a joke!!! I was kidding!!! Then promptly ran off to the store, got a cake cut it in half served us half bags of snacks and returned all the checks to the mothers with an apology. Except for that one check.....Im not sure if it was Robin Franovich Hartnett, Patty Brannen Perrigo, Patti Castellucci Morales or Maureen Felder Pallas check we cashed. Moral of this very long story? Dont lie to your kids! You never know when it will come back to bite you in the ass! Lol And if your kid is like me? Itll come back very quickly. ;)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 01:44:25 +0000

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