Ok residents of New York and Ontario, you have the opportunity to - TopicsExpress


Ok residents of New York and Ontario, you have the opportunity to see (or not see) an impressive astronomical display tomorrow night. Yes, the wee hours of Thursday the 20th (at precisely 2:06 AM EDT) offer the chance to watch the bright star Regulus disappear from the night sky. This experience is what is referred to as an occultation. In this case, the asteriod Erigone will pass between Earth and Regulus, leaving the star invisible for 14 seconds. Occultations are fairly common, but are usually only visible in very limited areas of the sky during any occurrence. I, myself, have yet to see an occultation and won’t be in NY to see this one. In Shamanic Astrology, an occultation represents the potential to uncover something that is hidden. Given that Erigone is occulting Regulus, the heart of the Lion, perhaps the discovery lies in a heart shrouded by grief. For more on the astronomy of this event, including the projected path of the occultation, check out: earthsky.org/space/asteroid-to-black-out-a-bright-star-next-wednesday
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:25:25 +0000

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