Ok the whole obama mirco chips story is false ... please stop - TopicsExpress


Ok the whole obama mirco chips story is false ... please stop circulating false information: First off, the referenced information was not part of the Obamacare health care legislation actually enacted by Congress. The page numbers and language cited in the example above were taken from HR 3200, an early House version of health care reform legislation which was never passed by Congress; passages cited from HR 3200 are therefore irrelevant. The cited wording did not appear in the replacement bill (HR 3590) eventually passed as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and although similar language was included in initial versions of the subsequent reconciliation bill (HR 4872), it too did not appear in the final version of that bill as passed by Congress. Second, nothing in any of those unpassed bills mandated that anyone be implanted with any type of microchip or RFID-based device, for any reason. The passages quoted above reference a section of the legislation that simply called for the creation of a registry which would allow the Department of Health and Human Services to collect data about medical devices used in or on a patient (such as pacemakers or hip replacements) for purposes that included tracking the effectiveness of such devices and facilitating the distribution of manufacturer recall notices. Absolutely nothing in those bills required that patients receive any type of implantable device (microchip or otherwise) or authorized the government to mandate the implantation of devices in patients. Some May 2012 versions of the hoax circulated by e-mail and Facebook postings displayed a photograph of the purported chip meant to be implanted, an item described as the size of a grain of rice. The chip shown in the photo is actually one that measures glucose levels in diabetes patients, as evidenced by this 2007 article about this new concept in glucose monitoring. A 28 July 2013 article about implanted microchips being given a test run on the proud and patriotic citizens of Hanna, Wyoming was mistaken by many readers for a genuine news story. However, that article was just a spoof from the satirical National Report web site. Read more at snopes/politics/medical/microchip.asp#ZvjcqjHK1EVjHrSG.99
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:57:32 +0000

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