Okay Caitlin Mattie Young I know this is delayed but I had trouble - TopicsExpress


Okay Caitlin Mattie Young I know this is delayed but I had trouble thinking of anything! Thanks to my good friend Rachel Kristine Hubbard I got lots of ideas and ended up going over how many you asked for. This got really long..... 1. I love to travel and I have been to 15 states and 9 other countries. I like to say I dont go to the same place more than once so I can go somewhere new, but as I made this list I realized Ive been to Europe and New York City four separate times each and several other places twice. I guess I need to branch out, but I am usually traveling somewhere I have family living so I have a place to stay! My sophomore year of high school I did one semester home study so that I could go to Europe for two months with my brother. We stayed with my aunt in Switzerland and traveled around including visiting my uncle when he was living in the Czech Republic. 2. I have been a part of a Spanish speaking congregation at church for over two years and I still don’t speak Spanish. I’ve been learning through osmosis since meeting Lalo, but I am too chicken to speak to anyone except him in Spanish so I haven’t really learned. Thankfully (or not so much) Lalo as always been a part of any leadership meetings I’ve gone to so that I have a translator if necessary. 3. I had a penny stuck in my throat for two weeks as a baby. The doctors kept telling my mother I had a cold when she brought me in for turning blue while drinking a bottle. Finally she made them X-Ray me and get the penny out. The doctor who got it out asked to keep it as he had a collection of items he had taken out of people’s bodies. 4. I suffer from an overactive guilty conscience. My guilt meter is faulty. I can feel guilty for not thanking someone enough for a gift they gave for example. This is something I am working on as it can be debilitating at times! 5. I am really cheap and rarely buy anything that’s not on sale, especially clothing. I still wear some clothes from high school and a lot of clothes from early college. I’ve realized this cheapness can sometimes backfire as I end up with crap I never wear (especially cheap shoes), so I’ve been working on investing in certain things that will end up getting used for a long time. I still hate shopping though and think that if I were to be sent to a hell specially designed for me it would be trying on jeans for eternity. 6. George Clooney has walked right next to me. Also Owen Wilson, Tina Fey, and Michelle Williams. I’ve been right behind Ashley Judd and Betty White. I’ve stood next to Ryan Seacrest and his girlfriend (what was her name?). I’ve seen Tom Hanks and Sofia Vergara fairly close and I’ve spoken to Zooey Deschanel briefly. 7. I LOVE to sleep and I LOVE to eat. Not the greatest combination for my figure. 8. I am shy and have social anxiety that flares up occasionally, but I usually do my best to hide it. I also suffer from being uncontrollably loud and obnoxious at times which leaves me going home with my own voice ringing in my ears in embarrassment. I haven’t figured this contradiction out yet. 9. I love stories! I love to be told stories and I love to tell stories. I love jokes. I love reading and I love movies. I love acting and I think the thing I love most about it is the ability to tell a story. 10. I will rarely try doing something new if I know I won’t be good at it. It doesn’t seem to be worth the effort. However, this is also something I am trying to work on as now that I am home with the baby and only working part time it’d probably be nice if I gave Lalo a break from cooking now and again :) 11. It may not be a surprise to many of you that see what I post on Facebook, but I have become obsessed with all things birth, baby, breastfeeding, etc. It all started with watching the documentary “The Business of Being Born” a few years ago and learning more and more about birth. I then delivered my child at home and had a wonderful experience. I was the last person I would have expected to do something like that and since then I have become more and more crunchy, another term I never would have labeled myself with. Interesting related fact: Lalo almost missed the birth! Oliver came almost two weeks before my due date and Lalo was in Utah. I told him I was getting nervous and to get a flight home that night. I went into labor at 8:00 p.m. and picked him up at 9:30 p.m. Oliver was born at 7:00 a.m. the next morning. I am so glad he made it because he was invaluable during labor.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 23:14:28 +0000

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