Okay... Here are 21 (sheesh!) things that you probably didnt know - TopicsExpress


Okay... Here are 21 (sheesh!) things that you probably didnt know about me, as requested by Robbie Shaarda. #1: I have moles were there shouldnt be moles. #2: In Elementary School, all the other kids seemed to know automatically that I was the one to ask how to spell words. #3: According to my parents, at the age of 2, I could identify every make and model of American car.(we lived in Detroit). #4: My maternal grandfather came from Italy, through Ellis Island. #5: I have a third kidney. It belonged to someone else for 50+yrs. #6: When I entered college, I planned to be a doctor. #7: At the behest of a friend,who couldnt find a decent drummer in Orlando (pre-Disney), I quit school for a year, to make some school $$$, and... well, I think you can guess the rest. #8: my aforementioned Italian grandfather moved from New York to Detroit in the early early 20th century, and found work as a welder in a small automotive factory, owned by a man named Henry Ford. who, at the time, worked the line himself. #9: When Ford went public, my grandfather and all of the other employees were offered first dibs on the stock. Being a good Italian boy, he declined the offer because his relatives and friends said that that Henry Ford guy was crazy and going to go broke soon. Excellent advice. #10: I once changed the disc brake pads on a 71 Pinto in a parking lot, with a screwdriver, pair of pliers and a hammer. If you need to know more, ask. #11: I once had a romantic liaison in the backseat of that Pinto. My back has never been the same. #12: One 42 degrees Jun. day In Jamestown, North Dakota, I worked up a huge sweat working out in my motel room at the Holiday Inn. Then I ran down to the Holidome indoor pool, and dove in. Unfortunately, the pool heater was turned off the water was around 50 degrees. When I hit the water, I was immediately rendered unable to breathe. I must have propelled by myself up out of the water, because the next thing I remember, I was on the deck, clutching my chest, fully expecting a heart attack. #13: I have never had a heart attack. #14: I secretly would love to dance like Gene Kelly (Well, I guess the secrets out now)! #15 I dance like a shackled Polar Bear. #16: A few years ago, aliens apparently entered my room while I was sleeping, and put my fathers hands on my wrists. #17: I Love to cook, but hate to clean. So I usually end up at Taco Bell. #(pant, pant)18: I am a gun owner, and I believe in gun rights, but I dont see what that has to do with trying to make sure the people who buy guns arent total wack jobs, prone to killing innocents. Saying that expanded background checks wont stop ineligibles from getting guns, is like saying that locking your door wont stop a determined criminal from getting into your house. Why not try to slow them down a little bit. Hey! Thereby allowing me more time to get MY gun! #19: Hello. My name is Lloyd and Im a chocoholic. #20: Although I am your Facebook friend, if you were to call me and ask me for money, we would have to redefine the term. #(TA-DA!)21: I once backed up Tiny Tim, and that man seriously knew his way around the ukulele. Bonus Tidbit: I can type 14 words per minute. No, really! Ive been tested. Whew! FREE AT LAST! Dont be sending me any more numbers because I am now officially exempt!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 05:35:52 +0000

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