Okay, I just finished watching the movie Gods Not Dead. Here are - TopicsExpress


Okay, I just finished watching the movie Gods Not Dead. Here are my thoughts: 1. It needs to be watched and interpreted with a grain of salt, as it is clearly a piece of propaganda. This becomes evident in the first five minutes, when we see the band The Newsboys mentioned in the credits (The Newsboys) is a Christian music band, the main character is seen wearing a Newsboys T-shirt, and there is an immediate portrayal of a very controlling, and later to be seen abusive and violent, Muslim father. Also, some of the information isnt actually accurate. As an example, it is said in the movie that Richard Dawkins says there is no God. This is incorrect, as I am reading his book The God Delusion currently. What he actually says is that it is very improbable that there is a god. 2. There are a number of false implications, common assumptions under Christianity, as follows: -people that are not Christians or atheists are bad, mean, abusive, hateful, etc. people -people that are not Christians are that way because they are hurt or angry, etc. -people who arent Christians have a hollow and empty life, full of hopelessness and loneliness. This is untrue, though I think many Christians believe it because they dont know anybody whos not a Christian. Coincidently, it is not uncommon that Christians are encouraged by other Christians to avoid socializing with non-Christians. I myself have suffered a great deal of pain and anguish in the last nearly two years, and I have come through very happy and content with my life. I dont believe that god has pulled me to this, I believe that my relationships have brought me through, with love, compassion and support (you all know who you are); therefore, my hope lies in my relationships, which I believe is the nearest thing we have to a meaning of life. WARNING: Reading further would be a spoiler for the movie plot, so be cautious. 3. The overriding plot of the movie is that the freshman college student needs to prove the existence of God to his professor. The clincher scene for this is when the student convinces the professor to admit that he hates god, and thus how can he hate someone that does not exist. The films implication is that this proves the existence of God, however it doesnt, it only proves that the professor actually believed in God. Theyre not the same thing. The word proof is a very strong and very absolute word, it needs to be used properly. 4. Ultimately, nobody knows the truth. As such, although many people on both sides of the argument dislike agnosticism, because it is lukewarm, wishy-washy, and noncommittal, it is really the only truth there is. The Christians can argue that youre going to hell if you dont believe until the end of time, but they will never be able to prove it. The atheists can argue that youre all a bunch of suckers until they are blue in the face, but they will never prove it either. There is no proof, God is unprovable. I think to prove something you would have to be able to demonstrate it objectively, or measure it, etc. For example, I might want to argue that the sun is very hot. Writing down the sun is hot on a piece of paper would not prove this, no matter how long ago I wrote it, or how wise I felt I was when I wrote it, it simply would not prove it. I think to prove that the sun is hot, I would have to send up a space probe with a thermometer attached to it and measure it. Ultimately, the only real truth is that we dont know; it all comes down to what you choose to believe. There are 7 billion people on this planet, and it is a safe bet that we are not all the same. Some of us get the warm fuzzies from the notion of God or religion, and some of us dont. One party is right, one party is wrong, but there is no way we can know for sure.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 23:08:07 +0000

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