Okay, I may not be THAT knowledgeable about legalities and whatnot - TopicsExpress


Okay, I may not be THAT knowledgeable about legalities and whatnot but as a concerned citizen of the Philippines, may I just express my opinions regarding the Pork Barrel Scandal. So, I have fervently listened to Napoless hearing in the Senate awhile ago and I have the same sentiment as all those people who took time to watch... Is this a hearing that aims to shed some light about the matters on hand? Or Napoless time to ignore or discard all the vital questions that could make the investigation going? I mean whats the point of having this hearing - whats the point of spending an ample amount of many just so this hearing will materialise - if the one being accused would just have to say I dont know, Sorry, that had happened a long time ago and my memory cant go that far, or her infamous answer I invoke my rights against self incrimination, and then the legislator would back off as if some Supreme Being from the high has spoken. I mean, of all the Senators who have interrogated Napoles, its only Sen. Mirriam (my highest respect maam) and Cayetano that I observed did an efficient job. Aside from them, its all repetitions of old issues and et cetera. This is an issue the Filipino citizens demand for an answer or justice. You can see even the normal citizens (like me, for example) are hooked up hows the thing going. Which normally isnt the case. So, I dearly hope, the government officials would find ways to satiate peoples hunger for justice. I hope that they work their darnednest to give people the truth behind all these anomalies. OKAY SO... These are just my personal opinions. I am not forcing anyone to agree with me or Im not rubbing it in anyones face. Im merely exercising my freedom of speech. And if Ive hurt anyones feeling with my bluntness, well, accept my sincerest apology. I dont mean to hurt your feelings its just that this is how I feel about the issue. ~SaF
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 09:01:32 +0000

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