Okay... Im doing this thing. I was given the #7. So, here are 7 - TopicsExpress


Okay... Im doing this thing. I was given the #7. So, here are 7 things you may or may not know about me: • I am deaf... For reals. When I was a baby I had meningitis, which caused me to lose roughly 30% of my upper-register hearing. When I was a kid, I was forced to sit in the front of class, next to that kid who had coke-bottle glasses. For years, him and I were quite a pair. I have a harder time hearing high-pitched women than men, but my biggest issue is background noise. Noisy bars are not conducive to my functioning (in more ways than one). If you ever think Im ignoring you or being snotty by not taking part in group conversation, its more likely that I cant hear you! In these noisy situations I can really only hear the person sitting right next to me... And only if that person is speaking up. If you are not next to me, there is no chance of me hearing you. Dont even consider whispering to me.., ever. Your efforts will be futile. I often just smile and nod when people are talking at me, which has been the wrong reaction on more than one occasion. Ive been mistaken for an awkward shy introvert my whole life, which isnt entirely true. The awkward part, maybe. I wish I could afford a hearing aid. My form of hearing loss is opposite of most, and requires a high-tech (read: expensive) device. Ive always been drawn to music with prominent bass, maybe its because I can hear it better. • I have plans for 3 large tattoos on my chest, leg and arm, but have not gotten them yet... because I am poor and cannot afford them... Which makes me sad. • I love my family and I spent a large portion of my free time last year researching my heritage. I am primarily a descendent of German & Polish (Prussian) farmers, and I currently have 1,866 names saved in my family tree, which covers 9 generations. My grandmother grew up on a farm in Wisconsin, and I am grateful that I remember a small bit of farm life from my childhood. The oldest ancestors that I am aware of are my great great great great great grandparents Martha & William Krahn (their birthdates are prior to 1800). I have a copy of their family crest. It is an illustration of a crane, standing on one foot holding a stone in the other. It stands for vigilance. (This is one of my many tattoo plans, and will hopefully be making an appearance on my inner calf some day soon). This research started as a small cookbook project that I volunteered to design for a few of my relatives, which was a compilation of my great grandmothers hand-written farm recipes and family photos. It turned into 4 months of daily late-night research and resulted in a 100-page book that includes over 300 recipes, my extensive family tree, and @ 200 old photos (all of which are in my mothers possession). A few of my favorites are my great great great grandparents formal family portraits... Which reminds me that I need to tell my mother to put those photos in her fire-proof safe! I would be devastated if they were ever ruined! This cookbook is now one of my prized possessions, which is ironic because I do not like cooking, and am pretty terrible at it. • I am an excellent shot. I was the only girl in 5th grade to shoot all 3 clay pigeons at School Forrest and won a Pepsi. My favorite thing to do with my father is shoot guns in the woods. His favorite thing to do is deer hunt. (Antlers are another one of my tattoo plans, in honor of my father, which will be a chest piece over my heart). I own a bow and would love to bow hunt, but Im not sure Im cut out for it. I have no problem with killing a wild animal to feed myself for a year, I just dont think I could handle the gutting process. I passed out at the sight of blood once while seeing a friend in the hospital after a gnarly car accident. Theres a slight chance that it was because he was mangled and unrecognizable, but I think it was the blood and I dont like those odds...I dont want to pass out in the snow next to a bloody dead deer. I hate being cold... If deer hunting was during warmer months I might toughen up and consider it. • Of my many hobbies, my favorite is sewing. I make and sell plush online (beedot.etsy) and I want to go back to school for toy design. I would love to enroll in the F.I.T. Toy Design BFA program, but will never have the chance. I think high school kids are too young to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives, and I wish I could go back and make a different decision! I was on the staff of my high school newspaper for 4 years and was the editorial editor... It sparked my interest in graphic design and publishing, which has been a great second choice... I do love my job even though I hate computers and wish I was able to work with my hands. In college I worked at a framing shop, and it was one of my favorite jobs ever because I was able to create something with my hands and actually get paid for it (albeit, very little). • Currently, the only thing on my lifetime Bucket List is to play bass guitar in a band. This will probably never happen because I am terrible at it. Im terrible because I dont practice. I dont practice because I have no free time. I wish I had a car that drove itself so I could spend my nearly 2-hours of commuting per day practicing. I love South St. Paul, but I wish I lived closer to Mpls. • I have an IMDB profile. Mandy Finders: Animal Handler (although, the movie credits me as Animal Wrangler, which sounds way more bad-ass!) I used to have a Sphynx cat named Stella. She was in a local low-budget horror movie called The Hagstone Demon, staring Mark Borchardt. Diablo Cody was initially cast to play the female lead, but dropped out to fulfill her own writing deadlines, which was a bummer! Its available on Amazon and you can watch the movie trailer at thehagstonedemon... Which is worth a viewing. It was filmed in 2007, but wasnt released until 2011, and its received numerous indie fest awards including Tromadance and Nevermore. My favorite scene is Stella eating real raw fish heads (which we forgot to remove and later stunk up the apartment building where we were filming). The FX guy made a human size demonized replica of Stellas head, which explodes at the end of the movie, and is hilarious! The movie is so terrible that its amazingly good. I still dont understand the ending. In any scene that Stella appears, I was either ducking next to the actor or hiding behind a corner, waiting to grab Stella after the take. Witnessing film-making behind the scenes was a very interesting experience, and touring the special effects studio was really cool. Hanging out with Mark Borchardt for 3 days in the green room was pretty awesome, and hes a super sweet guy. • I am a Scentsy Independent Consultant, even though Im a TERRIBLE sales person and dont like to promote myself... Which is why many of you dont know this about me. Maybe I should update my cover photo to promote the huge sale this weekend... If I wasnt writing this incredibly long post, I probably wouldnt have thought to do such things. I guess I just do it because I enjoy it, but I dont really make any money at it. • A few of my lesser known traits: Im indecisive, easily persuaded, fiercely competitive, completely gullible, fanatical, sarcastic, and an anal retentive perfectionist... (I proof-read this a gazillion times before posting). • And I apparently do not know how to count to 7. Well, if you like this status Im suppose to give you a number, which is completely arbitrary. So, if you want to number, I give you permission to pick one yourself and go for it.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 20:35:03 +0000

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