Okay...day 4 & 5 of my grateful game nominated by George St George - TopicsExpress


Okay...day 4 & 5 of my grateful game nominated by George St George who I am still grateful he nominated me as it has reminded me daily to take the time to look at what I have to be grateful for! Thank you George, love and respect to you always!...... 1. I am grateful for the opportunity to make up today what I didnt post yesterday....I am at work today so at a computer instead of a phone which makes posting easier......I will post 6 things and 6 people for today this being my 1st grateful for this day.....lol 2. I am grateful that my son even while being homeless and jobless and knowing I can not help other than bus pass, cell and few bucks here and there.....always says thank you and always wants a hug before we leave each other......warms mommas heart even though it is hard to see him like this I will continue to pray for the right person(s) to cross his path and give him the help he needs. His heart is good and sweet, his humor is always refreshing and his eyes and smile melt my spirit.... 3. I am grateful for having people in my life that just stop by my house to check in and see how I am doing and let me know how they are doing....For my sponsor of almost 27 years for his patience with me, his kind loving words, his never ending life and spiritual guidance Vinces T. I would be lost without you for sure! For his wife Patty T. for being there and being a second sponsor to me on this journey called recovery. For one of the greatest gifts in this life for me in good connections with good people....totally makes me feel blessed!!!! 4. I am grateful still today for my ongoing connection with my Creator.....even when I know I am not seeking him out he is always seeking me out.....now how wonderful is that! Also for the people that connect with Creator through ceremony and prayers that put others needs before there own.....I am forever grateful you are there to help me and the people! 5. I am grateful for the new family...I was blessed with over the past year.....I am super family oriented and it has always been important to me and one of the things I crave most in this life. Family get togethers laughing, crying, eating, talking.......are the best! 6. Last but not least.......I am grateful for the man in my life today.....so grateful that Bobby walked back into my life without fail swept me off my feet again 37 years later....Yes there are times that I think what the heck am I doing...but it is always short lived.....Bobby on the grand scale of things... takes my breath away, always did, always will!!! Even today a year after begin back together I am still in awe that I was not forgotten first off, I am still in awe that he came looking for me, I am still in awe that I can click and connect or whatever you want to call it with this man like no other-something I know many dont understand, I am still in awe that I have been blessed with a Mom, More Sisters, More Children, Grandchildren, More Nephews, More Nieces, This event in my life definitely was unexpected, something I definitely was not even looking for!!!! Something I now know I was wrong in thinking I didnt need or want. It has given me new meaning to .....you just dont know what is around the corner.....because this life is truly all in Gods hands..... With this....I will continue to be grateful because I have so many blessings in my life.....being day 5 I am done with the posting days, but this challenge or request was a good one for me .....I will make every effort to remember daily all these blessings I have, have had, and more that I will have I am sure....because just when I think my cup is full somehow another full cup gets put next to it......:) I nominate Yolanda Quiroz, Sonia Rincon, Bryson Lewis, Susie Valdez, Brandie, Grover, to name 3 things for which you are grateful for the next 5 days and nominate 3 new people each day. Love.... —
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:36:10 +0000

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