Okay here is a humdinger from another post....... Christian - TopicsExpress


Okay here is a humdinger from another post....... Christian contradiction number 10000000001.... far-fetched resolutions - Jesus is decedent of King David (in order to fulfill the messiah prophecy he must be of a royal bloodline) .... But Jesus was born of a virgin and his mother was descendant of the Levi (decendant of Aaron and not the house of David).... but anyway Jewish tradition follows the lineage of the father and not the mother in this case - which is our next problem, because Joseph wasnt the father... God was ? Romans 1:3 - Jesus was from the seed of David after the flesh - that is PAUL - who by the way didnt know that jesus was going to become a product of immaculate conception - (which brings us to a trinity problem but leave that for now)...... The church fixed that problematic Paul problem - This dilemma was solved by the assertion that whereas Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus was traced through Joseph’s line, Luke’s genealogy of Jesus was through Mary’s lineage. In this way, Jesus could now be from the seed of David after the flesh through Luke’s genealogy. Likewise, establishing Marys lineage to King David, Lukes genealogy ostensibly solves the problem of what to do with Romans 1:3 (Paul), and enables the Church to claim a physical link between Jesus and King David ; it seeks to resolve an awkward discrepancy between the conflicting genealogies contained in the books of Matthew and Luke. Whereas in Matthew’s genealogy, Joseph’s father is Jacob, in Luke’s genealogy it is Heli. By claiming that Luke’s genealogy is of Mary, Heli becomes Mary’s father and Joseph’s father-in-law.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 21:24:11 +0000

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