Okay, so Facebook is insisting that I know Laura Linney--the - TopicsExpress


Okay, so Facebook is insisting that I know Laura Linney--the actor--and should SERIOUSLY CONSIDER ON A DAILY BASIS adding her as a Friend. And unlike the many famous writers Ive added (and thankfully NOT had my hand slapped as a result--thank you, Janet Fitch, Anne Lamott, et. al.--and received two weeks in purgatory, which is so confounding, because FB IS SUGGESTING I ADD THESE PEOPLE, and then they punish me for adding them; its like a really freaky dysfunctional parent-thing: Here, have this delicious cookie. DAMN YOU FOR EATING THE COOKIE, NOW I SHALL BEAT YOU AND PUT YOU IN THE CAGE AGAIN!) we have NO overlapping Friends. (Laura? Laura? Are you reaching out?) On a somewhat related note, LinkedIn keeps trying to get me to Connect with the banker from Rothschild Banking Group who hired me last fall for a project fighting human trafficking, worked me to the bone, introduced me via Skype to her grandbaby, praised my performance to the high heavens, PROMOTED me from social media marketer to project manager, and then screwed me out of the $3K she owed me . . . JUST as Zeke was diagnosed with his bone tumor/cyst dealio, and Thanksgiving and Christmas hung in the air like empty sacks the Grinch had pilfered. I should add her! That would be so incredibly awkward! I wonder if I could endorse her for . . . um, Grand Theft? Heartlessness? Breach of Contract? Or I could post the extensive project we did together, complete with third-party involvement/multi-media links/e-mail and text exchanges with VIPs who were also involved, and then mention, OH, AND SHE NEGLECTED TO PAY ME, and left a struggling family high-and-dry during a time of crisis. Oh, am I being tacky? Sorry. Just had to vent. I still think I should add her . . . no, too chicken.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 19:57:21 +0000

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