Okay so I felt compelled to tell everybody and explain to everyone - TopicsExpress


Okay so I felt compelled to tell everybody and explain to everyone for all those inquiring what exactly is going on....I myself never knew that it existed....and in hearing it and knowing it... its still hard for me to digest....with that being said Im going to try to explain it as simple as possible...I have always been able to have healthy pregnancies and children but as everyone knows I was in a car accident November 2nd 2012 (And lost my 6 year old daughter)...I received a blood transfusion that saved my life and allowed me to be here to care for my other two girls....but never knowing or anticipating the effects it would have on me later...before a blood transfusion, screenings are done such as HIV, cancers, etc. Things that are immediate threats to us...well in that transfusion I received what they call an Anti-kell antibody. Its not a disease but more like a blood type....basically nothing happens and I can go on with life as such....so I thought....Up until the point where me and my Husband got pregnant. As everyone knows we lost our son this year at 18 weeks...almost 19, by a day. When women are pregnant we are put through screenings in the beginning of the pregnancy that are routine....One of these are the Rh factor and of course Anti-kell. In these screenings I came out negative for all of them...no big deal Ive never known anything to be different. but when I noticed decreased movement from my son...and the fact that this pregnancy was far worse than my previous pregnancies...thinking that maybe my age was a factor...but never realizing what was going on inside my body. Well we lost our son....the hospital we went to, did their own lab tests...and I was positive with the Anti-kell antibody. Meaning that the lab that took my first screening messed up somewhere. Had this been caught....there were measures to take to try to help my son survive. But carrying the anti-kell antibody is NOT what caused this....its the fact that my Husband is positive for the Anti-kell ANTIGEN. Again, not a disease....but like a blood type. When the two are combined together...they almost tag team against the baby....seeing it as a virus....and rejecting it. So Isaac, my Husband....has the Kell-Antigen and I have the Kell-Antibody. (The receptor) But the weirdest part is....he could choose anyone else and as long as they dont have the Kell antibody...which is highly unlikely. He can have children. And I could choose anyone else, as long as they do not have the Kell antigen...which is also highly unlikely and still have children. 9% of Caucasians are positive for Kell. This is just an example of how slim the chances are. So out of all the people in the world the one man I chose to MARRY....we....just WE...can not have children together. This is very devastating and heartbreaking for the both of us. Not to mention that with each pregnancy it is more difficult and our chances are lessened due to the fact that my antibodies are stronger each time protecting my body. The doctor also said that if we could just get past the first trimester which is highly unlikely....he could assist us by IUTs (Intra Uterine Transfusions). What happens is....The Kell causes the baby to be severely anemic...so by performing an IUT...we are giving the baby good blood to help it grow and function. although even with an IUT....there are still no guarantees. not only could the baby still die...but have serious medical conditions, such as Cerebral Palsy caused by the severe anemia. As of October 9th...our babys heartbeat was at 106 and supposed to be 116/117. We were also told that I would be miscarrying soon unless by some chance, the baby survives...even then, it would still be a long shot to make it through the first trimester. I know what the doctor says and all the facts...but I also have my faith and I know that God has the last word. I hope this helps everyone to understand and for everyone to keep us in prayer...as I know some of you already have =)....and I am truly thankful. #AntiKell #Prayer #Faith #Hope #God
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 22:03:52 +0000

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