Okay, so I know that its 3 AM and I should have my butt in the bed - TopicsExpress


Okay, so I know that its 3 AM and I should have my butt in the bed but I just had to share this moment/feeling with someone. So, why not choose to share it with the huge world of Facebook? Right? Have you ever looked at something and it just take your breath away? Just minutes ago I saw the most wonderful and beautiful sight. It was surreal, breathtaking, YOLO, or whatever you want to call it, and I bursted into tears and almost smiled so big that my cheeks closed my eyes for me. As I sit in my living room, same spot where I have been sitting for almost 6 years now I woke up from dozing off at the end of this movie and just felt chills cover my body. Me, Ashton (my 17 yr old son), & Aaliyah (my daughter who will be 16 on Tues.) kinda camped out together all piled up in the living room watching movies tonight. We all 3 didnt make it to the end before we fall asleep. I looked to my right and saw Aaliyah Brookes pretty blonde hair. I looked to the left and saw Ashton Johnsons comical self smiling at whatever he was dreaming about. The back and forth a few times before the huge crocodile tears fell from my eyes and I couldnt help but not smile, look up, and Thank God in Heaven for once again opening my eyes. NOT JUST FROM THE DOZE OFF , But for opening my eyes that have been blinded by so many things the past 5 or 6 yrs that I have missed out on so many moments like this one right now!!!! If the werent such grouchy butts when u wake them, I would grab my babies that I have let grow up so much so fast and HUG them so tight and promise to never NEVER EVER close my eyes again! I ❤all my kids more than the air that I breathe. I know that I dont deserve all the things that I have or all the wonderful people in my life but I can say one thing...I sure am thankful and glad that God chose me to be the one that these Angels call Mom. Good Night FaceBookers. Im gonna lay here and look at these two boneheads for a few before I go back to sleep. Just a bit of advice, slow down all you can and enjoy every second you have with your kids or you, like me, will sit one night and listen to your Sons College plans...Daughters Army plans and think.... One day soon they will walk out this door without asking first and there will be nothing I can say or do about it but just watch my little birdies fly away from the nest into the open skies. 💋👣💖💞💖👣💋
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 07:33:29 +0000

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