Okay so…. Zombinism is a pandemic that mostly spreads from the - TopicsExpress


Okay so…. Zombinism is a pandemic that mostly spreads from the dead to the living through a bite from a Zombie. You will also find any person that dies of natural causes or injury will become a Zombie. The whole thing had to start somewhere suggesting that there was either a single source (A dead person in a morgue that was exposed to an ancient, manmade or even alien pathogen) or an airborne or water borne pathogen. One thing is sure, every living human on the planet is already infected… or are they? Just because a human being that dies turns Zombie doesn’t mean that he is already infected. It has been seen that the time it takes varies greatly suggesting that the pathogen is not already in the body. That explains why the living don’t zombify in their sleep, and why bitten humans will die and turn into a zombie almost immediately after death. Note that you first die and then go Zombie. It seems that the concentration of the pathogen is such that the human immune system cannot cope with dispensing of it. So when bitten, the concentration of pathogen in the bloodstream is so great that the immune system cannot cope. Bitten humans have been known to experience high fever and flu like symptoms. These bitten humans also experience hallucinations and disturbing dreams, suggesting that the brain is affected in some way. The pathogen has been seen under a real-time scan affecting moslty the brain stem and re-activating only the most basic brain functions such as smell and motor control. It is well known that zombies eat living flesh only. When presented with prepared meat, they will not react. It is theorized that living flesh contains specific proteins and trace elements that enable the pathogen to survive and sustain it. Flesh consumed by zombies entering the stomach is probably metabolized by the pathogen itself. It would seem that the pathogen acts like an organism on its own. Like a parasite. Therefore it is possible that it has a microbial structure spanning the spinal cord, stomach, mouth and brain of the host body. This explains digestion, seeing as there are no peristalses in the bowels after death. Defecation also do not occur suggesting total digestion or some other form of waste disposal. Why the mouth you ask? Well there is no saliva dripping from their open mouths while they aimlessly wonder around waiting for some living thing to come along, yet when bitten a human being will become a zombie. This means that the pathogen spreads that way meaning that there has to be a vehicle of transfer other than saliva. Having the central nervous system as a place to live the pathogen can move the organism, and not needing the other organs, renders the organism immune to most attempts at killing it. Destroying the brain is the only way apart from fire, to kill a zombie. Based on observation it seems that these undead creatures are genetically altered. This means that even though the vessel is a human body, they are no longer human. There are distinct differences in bodily function and is indicative of an organism capable of modifying a host body to furnish its needs. The absence of a social structure amongst zombie individuals suggests the inability to communicate. However, it is difficult to fathom that there is no awareness of the presence of others like themselves. They are most often seen moving in large numbers devouring anything they find and they will never attack one another. It has been suggested that they hunt by smell and hearing. When looking at the eyes though, it does not seem as if there is any sight. This makes sense as a dry eye cannot see as it becomes milky.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 15:17:11 +0000

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