Okay so not normal for me to post personally on Facebook but need - TopicsExpress


Okay so not normal for me to post personally on Facebook but need some uplifting support from my mommy friends! Joe and I got excited when last Thursday at 3:30pm I started contracting! Started at 30 min apart but they were consistent and getting stronger and stronger by the contraction! By Saturday morning they were 7 min apart and super intense, especially when we went for a walk!!! We thought this is it he is coming early! By 4:00 pm they were 3-5 min apart but lasting way longer then they should have.... Thus our trip to the hospital happened. After a check, monitoring and a visit from our midwife I was in a discouraged shock when I found out I was only dilated to a 1 and not thinned out at all! Baby is fully engaged (sunny side up :/, but head is in position and ready to go) jAll I could think was 48 hours of non stop contractions and barley any sleep and Im NOT IN LABOR???? Well our midwife explained to us that this is called Prodromal labor again????? WHAT? I didnt read anything about that in any of my labor books lol! Baby Aaron was handling every contraction on the monitor amazingly and was responding with a ton of fetal movement. We were sent home to relax and try and get sleep as this could last for a few days to weeks before active labor can start! I should have been told DO NOT SEARCH THE WEB! Lol so we are now on day 6 of contractions Im so mentally and physically exhausted Im 100% leaning on God to give me the strength to make it through a natural delivery! I know my body is preparing itself as I have thinned out and am progressing at a snails speed. Im praying for no interventions in-terms of pitocin or breaking of my water but then again Im slowly wanting to give in! I wasnt prepared for him to want to come early or for this kind of labor but I know God wont give us what we cant handle just what we can only handle through him! Now doing a little research and seeing that this Prodromal labor is very common gives me hope that I can make it through this as I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! So friends please pray, I need it and am asking for it! Not only for me but for my husband as I know Joe Buck is just as exhausted as I am! Please please please do not say baby will come when baby is ready as thats a no brainer but a 3-7 min consistently laboring women for almost a week doesnt want to hear that lol! :) has any one else ever experienced this kind of labor? What was your end result?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 15:52:48 +0000

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