Oliver, you are what bliss and joy look like in a little boy. You - TopicsExpress


Oliver, you are what bliss and joy look like in a little boy. You are dirty and messy, you snuggle and you love me. You are defiant, willful, spoiled, and sometimes downright ornery. You have a wonderful and fantastical imagination. You can find a unicorn in the clouds or a rabbit in a piece of shredded cheese. As all mothers do, I have goals, wishes, and dreams for you. The list is endless. But on this 5th anniversary of the moment that I first heard your grunting cry … I will limit myself to the few that I wish for most: 1. Always be proud of who YOU are. You may not be the quarterback of the football team, the homecoming king, or the lead singer in the band – but really now, who cares? As long as you stay true to who you are, everything else will fall into place. Checkmate. 2.Find your passion. Keep looking and searching. Never stop. 3.Take the road less traveled. May you always try to make the right choices, not the easiest ones. Have the courage to lead, not follow. And to dream bigger than most others think is possible. 4.Always keep moving forward. There will be times in your life when you feel stuck. It’s up to YOU to decide where you’ll go. Keep on trekking. Go, go, go kid. You’ll move mountains. Oh the Places You’ll Go! 5. Explore the outdoors. Get outside as much as possible. Breathe the fresh air. Play tag. Ride bikes. Skip. Hop. Jump. Run. Climb. NOW. 6.Accept others for who they are. In an age where bullying has taken precedence amongst our youth, I hope I have taught you to see the value in differences. Preps, Emo, Punk, Popular, Nerds, Drama, Jocks – bottom line: It doesn’t matter. Power lies in friendship. 7.You are Superman. To me – you really do have superhuman strength and speed, the ability to defy the laws of gravity, and immunity to almost all forms of harm. How else would you be able to move the desk into the hallway, climb on top of it, “fly” off it – smack right into the wall and get up and walk away unscathed? Answer: You are Superman. Case closed. 8.Be a brother. Be a friend. Be a protector. Wherever you are in life, you can come home. I will be here – always.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 11:43:27 +0000

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