Omar Abdullah only a ‘show boy’: Geelani Says Army, police are - TopicsExpress


Omar Abdullah only a ‘show boy’: Geelani Says Army, police are in actual command By Reader Correspondent Published: Wed, 24 July 2013 10:48 PM Srinagar: Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman, Syed Ali Geelani, Tuesday while condemning what he said widespread arrest spree unleashed in the aftermath of Ramban killings took a dig at chief minister, Omar Abdullah, saying he was merely a“show boy.” “Omar Abdullah is nothing more than a show boy,”Geelani said according to a Hurriyat Conference (G) statement.“The state executive is in control of Army and Police,”he added. “It is because of the arrogance of power that they have created a forced silence and deprived citizens from their basic fundamental rights,”Geelani said. Geelani demanded“immediate release of more than fifty youth arrested in the aftermath of Ramban killings.” “It is so sad that Indian forces while challenging the honour and faith of Muslims desecrated Holy Qur’an and we in turn are not even allowed to mourn over the tragedy,”Geelani said. The octogenarian leader appealed Amnesty International and other Human Rights organizations“to take serious notice of situation in Jammu and Kashmir and use their influence to protect human lives.” “Meanwhile, Tehreek-e-Hurriyat Jammu Kashmir is organizing“Revelation of Qur’an Conference”on July 28 at its party headquarters Hyderpora,”the statement said adding“The seminar will be addressed by noted religious scholars
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 23:39:38 +0000

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