On 24 May 1945, a Syrian delegation was at the San Francisco - TopicsExpress


On 24 May 1945, a Syrian delegation was at the San Francisco Conference for drafting the U.N. charter. Its Article 78, guaranteeing that Syria would not become French Mandate territory, was readied. Five days later, France bombed the Syrian Parliament, and killed its garrison. War crimes are not subject to a Statute of Limitations: “We call upon the French government to apologize and pay compensation to our people. Syrians will not forget Sykes-Picot, nor carving Iskandaron region from Syria and giving it to Turkey.” Ja’afari continued that the calls to bring his country before the ICC that “absolutely defy reason,” were based on “mendacious allegations and fabricated lies,” and represented “a ceaseless attempt by some states to abrogate to themselves the right to be custodians of the Syrian people and its national choices.” Justice needs to be “inclusive and transparent,” and “the mother of all crimes,” aggression, needs to be a component of the ICC (it is not). The Levant will never turn a blind eye to France introducing Israeli nuclear terrorism to the region. Ambassador Ja’afari succinctly explained the Fundamental Pillars for Justice and Accountability: – Holding accountable the governments of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, France, Israel and other states which have engaged in open incitement against the Syrian Arab Republic, via arming, training, recruiting, funding, and facilitating mercenaries to attack Syria. – Terrorism is a crime. Boko Haron is unanimously condemned, and equal condemnation should extend to terrorists in Syria. Yet, no complaints were offered by the SC when the terrorists cut off the water supply to Aleppo (for example). – Accountability for Israel’s war crimes, crimes which are committed with full OK of the Permanent Members of the Council. – “Immunity” should not be permitted for certain war criminals (those with “impunity”). – “Colonial agendas”/ “schemes of domination” must be eradicated: Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, bombing of Libya, secret prisons, drones, Blackwater — there is no accountability for these crimes, yet sanctions are permitted against Syria’s Ministry of Electricity! – Ridding the U.N. of the “hegemony of double standards,” which target specific regions. The vetoed Draft Resolution was “political, discriminatory, interventionist par excellence,” aiming at disturbing the presidential elections. In this speech of 22 May, Ambassador Ja’afari again mentions “Mrs. Amos,” always demonstrating the art of diplomacy by never calling her the liar that she is, the liar who consistently lies about the atrocities perpetrated against Syria. syrianews.cc/sublime-words-diplomat-resonate-among-creative-chaos-fascist-hypocrites-proverbial-pearls-swine/
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 22:15:44 +0000

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