On Conspiracy: I feel the need to marshal my thoughts, and put - TopicsExpress


On Conspiracy: I feel the need to marshal my thoughts, and put them down in digital ink, to try to make a few points about what I feel is a modern platitude in all walks of life- the conspiracy loon or tin foil hat brigade- now wholesale applied to anyone, it seems, who questions what i will dub the mainstream narrative- that is, what statistically most people consider to be the truth of international situations and politics, and perhaps also the conditions and proven state of science and mathematics- never mind who shot JFK, or did Nasa ever get to the Moon? Im writing this mostly for myself, because in my head i have a very clear argument to support my opinions, and I think I might just have a chance tonight of getting it down in a consistent and clear way. Its also fair to say that we are percieved, or probably rather that I am, as someone who potentially believes in these things, and needs to dissuaded or patiently talked down from my obvious lunacy. Id wager I believe a lot less than most, belief, and faith especially, and also certainty, are things I try to avoid. Ok, so Ive mentioned some of the main bugbears there, the ones everyone heard of first, and the first things folk reach for to consign anyone who ever doubts what the current news item just told you, will face- you are a tin foil hat wearing gullible paranoid idiot. And, let it be also made clear, such people do exist- I have had to shake my head and walk away from many such conversations- just because an information source is NOT the mainstream media does not guarantee it any validity- and the further out onto the fringes you go, the more you discover them in numbers- not being MAINSTREAM does not in any way indicate likelihood of truth (and lets not get into defining that word tonight- thats another story) BUT- and this is a HUGE but- To deny that conspiracy exists is to deny the entire history of the world itself, and the fundamental nature of human beings- self-interest, self-preservation, and greed and paranoia would seem to be my essential bucket list of human traits there... I believe that whenever people acquire power- political, cultural, religious, power- what ever form it takes, it is more common than not that they will seek to enhance and consolidate that power- an immediate example that is springing to mind is Murdoch, and Brookes, and Coulson- when such people meet and agree that they have a common vested interest and could help each other by creatively bending or ignoring the rules, we have a conspiracy... So World History is full of it. Look at the bloodlines of Royal families, and all the consolidating marriages- surely a conspiracy at the time. Look at the official secrets act in this country - 50 years till we can be told what just happened, and actually, if it is really naughty, maybe never. That, again, is just fact. Did Blair conspire with Bush? If not, what the hell has the last 15 years about? I know some of you are now saying, but thats not what we object to, its the chemtrails/ raelian/ illuminati nutters... and I get you! Illuminatus by Robert Anton Wilson is the longest shaggy dog joke in history, at the expense of the more rabid of US conspiracy folk...and yet- most people seem to think it is the opposite- a manual for belief...how easily things are misunderstood. It IS a manual for reprogramming yourself, but that, again, is another story. So, to try to get back to the point, I believe the problem with our current situation is the very phrase conspiracy or even worse conspiracy theory has just come to mean nutter, and this is as true of the right, left, and the politics that are too complex to be defined as a simple colour- (little hint there, if you think politics can be devolved and simplified to the point where simply picking a colour confers some truth, honour, or understanding, you are engaged in politics in primary school.) Every time two people with significant power in whatever field they work within get together, there is at least a chance they will conspire to find a way to co-operate to maintain that power- unless they REALLY hate each other, in which case they will seek out each others enemies and do the same- this is WORLD HISTORY. Read Machiavellis The Prince- medieval manual for conspiracy and subterfuge. Read Sun Tzus The Art of War, Read Rudyard Kiplings Kim- read anything by Orwell... And now I hear voices crying, But that isnt what we mean by conspiracy, thats obvious! If you want a big, in control, secret world conspiracy, you WILL be disappointed- although of course, it is simply obvious meanwhile that if you are a billionaire, or whatever the new number is to show you are super rich, OF COURSE you are going to be still trying to consolidate and improve your position- unless you are a true altruist and interested in the human race more than yourself- I believe there are such people, but I think most who get themselves into that bracket get there due to self-interest, and thats a hard head state to get out of...so the super-rich clearly have more real power in a world capitalist system than most of their domestic politicans, and can easily bend rules or invent their own- again, think of Murdoch. Lets address the International States, and particularly, false flag operations- attacks or hoaxes where a state attacks its own people in order to justify counter attacks, and usually, major asset stripping of the opposition. Again, you can find documentary evidence that this is a tried and trusted approach for politicians and military minds to employ. Its there, in their own records- it is nothing new! Its a political and social tool that has been used for centuries. Now youre probably saying Oooh, he is leading up to saying 9-11/ 7-7/ isis is an inside job...but no, I have nothing like so much certainty- my world is made of far more doubt than that- but my point is that false flag operations are just standard politics- and we can see them being used and admitted to in the last 100 years in government records- are we supposed to believe that somehow, in the last 50 years, we have become more mature and fair in our international subterfuge? if anything, I think its likely that we have become worse as resources are stretched thinner across an unthinkably huge world population. I think it is fair, now, to call this a rant! But why am I so mad? It is because I feel we are now in danger of policing ourselves, of silencing our own questions, of trusting only the BBC news...or Russia Today for that matter. EVERYONE HAS AN AGENDA. I listen to what they say, but try to suss where their agenda is coming from. The History we are told today will not be the history in 100 years- to believe that would be to believe we are suddenly a race of cuddly trustworthy, altruistic human beings- there are some, but they are rocking horse shit, frankly... THERE IS NO BIG WORLD GOVERNING CONSPIRACY. BUT- we are not told the truth of what is happening without bias, and often we are lied to to manipulate us into following with current policy meekly or even better, angrily. I only read 1984 this year, finally, but one of the key concepts is as you will know, Newspeak- a language which aimed to reduce thought itself, and ultimately to make thought crime impossible by limiting language so much that all dissidence was unspeakable. When I read the book I found it hard to imagine how that could be possible- how could thoughts themselves be limited like that? But it strikes me tonight that there are parallels here between the way we are obliterating the word conspiracy, and reducing it to a sad sack image of the geezer in the tin foil hat railing at The Elders of Sion, or whatever brand you love/hate. Conspiracy, my friends, is very real, and youve been doing it most of your life, Id bet. Its just your not a Billionaire, or a President, or a King- or maybe your just not very good at it.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 00:32:33 +0000

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