On Independence Day, THE GIANT HAS NOT WOKEN UP YET This - TopicsExpress


On Independence Day, THE GIANT HAS NOT WOKEN UP YET This nation’s destiny does not lie in the hand of the distant help which we have forever being waiting for- it lies in our own hands –lets see what we have made of it since independence, are we proud of what lies in our hands now? If you are, I am not- let stop pretending we are satisfied with where we are, let’s stop pretending everything is ok, lets stop pretending there is nothing at stake and lets stop pretending we don’t have any special goals or ambitions or desires when really deep down we do really want more, are we doing things that suggest that our very lives depended on them or are we just whisking through this life as if we have no responsibilities to this noble nation? If we where citizens of the nineteen 30s, 40s and the 50s could we have done any better than they did or the indifference will be the hallmark---will Ghanaians to come be proud of the Ghanaians who lived the last quarter of the 90s to date, be proud of us, us we are proud of the Ghanaian who lived prior to our independence and a little after, When it comes to state resource we spend and exploit it as those who dwell in a first world nation but work groggily as though we live a forth world country. Are we a people of substance? Yes I believe we are, then why, why are we living in this Ghana as those we have nothing to offer when truly there is more to us than we sacrifice. .…and make our nation great and strong— is it just inserted in the creed so as to create a good rhythm or we as a people are living up to that. A lot of us are earning salaries in various institution knowing deep down we don’t deserve it not because we can’t merit that but because we don’t invest the man hours and power deserving of such earnings which brings the change we seek. Do we sit down to ask why Ghana is the way it is, do we sit down to ask, is that the best we can do for our dear nation and for that matter posterity or are we just playing it safe (keeping in line, with no desire to break away from the norm). Don’t we believe that Ghana is greater than what we are playing her. Why do we always want to live on our own convenient term at the expense of he nation, is there not something bigger and better than ourselves. Are we blind to what the founding fathers envisaged and envision, why have we allowed time to tick by us without us taking our rightful position on the global stage. Do we think it took super human to build the so called first world nations that most of us want to associate with and more to that always are looking up to them for all manner of aids? No I don’t think so I believe it took mere or ordinary men and women with a burning desire who would not settle for just anything to befall posterity to alter the destiny of nations the way they did---Yes I know we have a lot of shortcomings but are we going to do nothing because of that or are we going to dig our heels in a do it any way.--------------Let us all together regardless of the limitation that easily besets us as a nation on this day the 6th of March 2014 have a paradigm shift in our minds about how we want the Ghana that will be to be , so much so that the Ghana that will be will be proud of the Ghana that is, as we have being proud of the Ghana that was----God bless our homeland GHANA
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 13:54:43 +0000

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