On Monday, December 2, 1895, in his Seventh Annual Message, - TopicsExpress


On Monday, December 2, 1895, in his Seventh Annual Message, President Grover Cleveland wrote to Congress: Occurrences in Turkey have continued to excite concern. The reported massacres of Christians in Armenia and the development there and in other districts of a spirit of fanatic hostility to Christian influences naturally excited apprehension for the safety of the devoted men and women who, as dependants of the foreign missionary societies in the United States, reside in Turkey under the guaranty of law and usage and in the legitimate performance of their educational and religious mission. No efforts have been spared in their behalf, and their protection in person and property has been earnestly and vigorously enforced by every means within our power… Others have been carried out, and our latest intelligence gives assurance of the present personal safety of our citizens and missionaries. Though thus far no lives of American citizens have been sacrificed, there can be no doubt that serious loss and destruction of mission property have resulted from riotous conflicts and outrageous attacks. By treaty several of the most powerful European powers have secured a right and have assumes a duty not only on behalf of their own citizens and in furtherance of their own interest, but as agents of the Christian world. Their right to enforce such conduct of Turkish governance as will refrain fanatical brutality, and if this fails that duty is to so interfere as to insure against such dreadful occurrences in Turkey as have lately shocked civilizations. (Vol. IX, pp. 635, 637-638).
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 00:06:07 +0000

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