On November 16, 1933, the United States and the Soviet Union - TopicsExpress


On November 16, 1933, the United States and the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations. President Roosevelt sent a telegram to Soviet leader Maxim Litvinov, expressing hope that United States-Soviet relations would forever remain normal and friendly. November 28, 1943, President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin met in Tehran during World War II. Exceptionality was the word coined by an ex-Australian Primer Minister in a recent Russia Today programme Sophie & Co, to describe present day American Imperialism. A far cry from the heady days illustrated in the opening two paragraphs. Now we are confronted by a cornered dangerous beast who has reared at least two vile progeny in the Middle East, namely, nuclear armed Israel who increasingly proves that their Zionism is evil, not benign, as their dwindling band of supporters would have us believe, and not for the likes of Arab population of Gaza let alone the Arab population who suffer the indignities of a life in Israel itself. And the new head chopping assassins called Isis. Getting western countries, particularly the UK in a terrible state over their citizenship status. Now the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave confronts the enemy within which is home grown, going back to the native American Indians who were annihilated by the immigrants going back to the “Founding Fathers” escaping the religious persecution in Britain, but preceded by the evil Spanish explorers in search of gold, neither of whom had anything but evil intentions, dressed up in religious mumbo jumbo. The story of the destruction of the American Indians by way of the elimination of the American bison or buffalo, the animal providing the native population with everything they needed from food to clothing and shelter. These persecuted peoples however, failed to provide the labour needed to work on the cotton fields of the southern plantation owners who had to go elsewhere for slave labour, where else but Africa, already a profitable business throughout for the rest of the two continents. Leopold of the Belgians being the outstanding example on genocide for profit. Incidentally leading to the slaughter of Europeans in World War One and the American Civil War killing fellow Americans. But now the chickens have come home to roost in the shape of unemployment, oppression and murder of the Afro-American population, going back only as far as the Scotsboro boys and Emmet Till, the murder of Malcom X and Martin Luther King, indeed the list is endless, continuing to grow with the latest victims Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Tamir Rice, thus creating more and more opposition as it always does, with thanks to Russia Today, providing regular and horrifically regular scenes of violence and murder, summarised and picked up by increasing number of demonstrators, uttered by one of the victims in the phrase “I can’t breathe”, but not enough to deter the forces employed to exercise racist murder to “control” those demonstrators. So we have the enemy within beating at the doors of the American ruling class, in addition, protected by 30,000 troops in South Korea, the maintenance of forces in Iraq and Afghanistan with 13,000 troops, down from 140,000 in 2011 in a “training and support role” and scattered throughout the rest of the world, just as the Romans did before them. Holding their empire together, using every trick in the book, just as the Romans did before them. Illustrated horrifically in a recent report to the Obama administration thus:- The Central Intelligence Agency repeatedly misled the White House, Congress and the US public over the torture of suspected al-Qaeda terrorists, according to a report by the Senate intelligence committee. In a fiercely critical assessment of the CIA’s use of torture in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the report concluded the agency’s interrogations were “far more brutal” than it had told policy makers or the public and were “not effective”. Torture did not lead to any intelligence about an “imminent threat” of a terrorist attack — the sort of information that had been used to justify the interrogations, the report said. The CIA’s use of torture was “a stain on our values and our history”, said Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who heads the intelligence committee and was the driving force behind the report. Despite intense criticism from Bush-era officials for her decision to make public so many details about the torture programme, Ms Feinstein said the release of the report “says to our people, and to the world, that America is big enough to admit when it is wrong and confident enough to learn from its mistakes”. President Barack Obama said yesterday that CIA torture had done “significant damage to America’s standing in the world and made it harder to pursue our interests with allies and partners”. Ms Feinstein released a 525-page executive summary of the committee’s report, which took five years to prepare and is more than 6,000 pages long. The committee’s staff looked through millions of CIA documents detailing its interrogation techniques. The report has been the subject of an intense political dispute, with the CIA disagreeing strongly with many of its conclusions and some Republicans saying it would provide a propaganda triumph for terrorists. The Obama administration increased security at embassies and bases around the world before the report’s release. Among the more dramatic details in the report, the Senate committee said one detainee effectively froze to death in a facility that CIA officers described as a “dungeon”. In some cases, torture was conducted in a “nonstop fashion for days and weeks at a time”. One detainee was subjected to what the CIA called “rectal feeding”, which meant inserting a puréed mixture of hummus, nuts and pasta in his rectum. Financial Times 10/1/2014 As for the racism, displayed by the forces of oppression on the streets against the demonstrators, it is not inexplicable as some have claimed, but a manifestation of that cultivated by the ruling class with its roots in the destruction of the collective spirit or alienation, so aptly described by Marx in the Communist Manifesto when he said “capitalism destroys the nexus between man and man and reduces it to a naked self interest”. It should therefore not be a source of amazement, to see the forces of “law and order “ beat demonstrators or strangle them to death, indeed it is par for the course in the life and work of the forces of oppression
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 08:36:30 +0000

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