On Reality Reality is a very charming term. Meaning-wise, it - TopicsExpress


On Reality Reality is a very charming term. Meaning-wise, it is the largest term which includes everything including God. Reality and its general features are studied in Meta-ontology which is the branch of metaphysics in Philosophy. Everyone of us tries hard to form a personal big picture of reality throughout his or her life. This big-picture in his mind about everything determine his path and direction of life. Whatever we do, we do according to this wide image of everything that we have as a frame-of-reference in our mind Some the most general features of Reality are: 1. Reality is pyramidal-concrete at its base n abstract at its heights (in other words, hardware at its base which is controlled by software at its heights). Conclusion: So we must do our best to understand the heights of those software that control the everything. It can be done through raising our consciousness-level which should be the primal job of ours. 2. The whole Reality is interconnected. Conclusion: It means everything is interconnected with everything. All objects, processes n phenomena are bounded by the chain of causality (cause-effect). So whatever we do, somewhere n sometime, would be seen by us. 3. Reality is dynamic. Conclusion: Everything is changing including us, so we must see this path of change through our anticipation n predictive power gained by higher level of consciousness. 4. Reality is being governed by vertical hierarchy of power. Conclusion: The lower level laws of Reality can be defied and changed and even sometimes can be broken by higher level laws of Reality. To gain power understand those higher level laws. 5. Reality is compensative. Conclusion: Every void created is filled by something. So avoid being sheepish in day-to-day life. # all thoughts are personal n purely original. Discretion is advised. *irfanity
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 06:48:14 +0000

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