On Sunday the 21st of September 2014 while attending a fundraising - TopicsExpress


On Sunday the 21st of September 2014 while attending a fundraising at Churo Rena, I did bring to the attention of the public something about land matters in Churo/Amaya ward. First I had heard about a Trust land committee from some quarters, then I asked myself what happened with the title deeds idea which was unanimously endorsed by all Churo residents? I told the gathering that Churians are against the Trust land idea. How can 15 individuals be given the authority to transact land matters in a place where we have more than 3000 land owners? Land issue is so emotive thus it should be handled with utmost care. The reply was that the title deeds idea was temporarily halted because CS for Lands Hon. Charity Ngilu said they have not yet budgeted for Churo land surveying and demarcation. They continued to argue that what made them opt for Trust land was because it was easy and cheap to register because we are now anticipating the arrival of LAPSSET project. I asked them how can you make such a decision without calling for another massive consultation meeting with the land owners of Churo? How can the committee of 15 people be told to raise from their own pockets 30,000/= after the area MP promised 20,000/= and the area MCA 10,000/=? How will they benefit from the Trust land now that they have to contribute from their own resources? I told them that if Ngilu have not budgeted for Churo why cant we use the devolved cash that include CDF and the County funds? Our MP and his committee have the authority to allocate such funds immediately, Our MCA is in the budget committee of the County Assembly why cant he move a motion to allocate money for surveying and demarcation of his ward as requested by his voters? To that effect I was overwhelmingly supported by the locals present in that fundraising and those absent. Let it be known that Churo residents are against the Trust land idea, let it also be known that there is nothing politics here, its about our livelihoods. Our land is highly productive that is why we buy land at a serious cost. Lonyek cannot be a demarcated area with title deeds then next door its Trust land. For your information Trust land is one and the same thing as Community Land. Personally I am not against the Trust land committee as alluded by one guy who called me, I am/We are against the Trust land idea period. I also warned that this land issue in Churo will form part of the campaign agenda come 2017 if nothing is done by the incumbent leadership between now and then. This matter should be put to rest by the incumbent leadership for them to save their noses. Otherwise we will not give a damn nor mince our words. God bless Churo.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 13:16:24 +0000

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